Yay! minions, spirits fixed!
Right now the time is 11:42 pm PST, ... the minion and spirit AI problems seem to have been fixed sometime today! Yay!!
Originally Posted by NoChance
Right now the time is 11:42 pm PST, ... the minion and spirit AI problems seem to have been fixed sometime today! Yay!!
I'm not sure exactly what the spirits were doing, but I do know my minions had an odd tendancy to just stop responding, stop firing in the middle of a lot of enemies. I would have to use taste of death to kill them all and spawn new ones to fix the problem, most of the time.
Lord Palidore
If this is true, then allow me to let out a "yay," and say I'm glad its fixed

mebbe that is why I was getting pwned even though my hero Olias had 10 minions and was spamming Orders of Undeath =/
I really hope this is true, it has been getting on my tits of late. Do Shambling horrors still run like a mile behind you though?
Can't be true. I played my MM all day today. Any minions added in Factions or Nightfall still stop attacking for unknown reasons during battle. My Bone Fiends are perfectly fine though. Flesh Golem and Shambling Horrors still run a mile behind. They also just group around you and bodyblock you cause they won't attack. I think the melee minions aren't registering that a battle is still going on unless they or I am getting attacked. Doesn't even matter if I am attacking or calling targets.
If this has truly been fixed, then ANet just hates my necromancer :/
If this has truly been fixed, then ANet just hates my necromancer :/
Kais Unduli
I haven't noticed anything myself. I'm still getting stuck in my hero's minions, and during the Venta Cemetery mission our MM had to back up and go around his minions several times because they were blocking him in.
Feminist Terrorist
Originally Posted by Kais Unduli
MM had to back up and go around his minions several times because they were blocking him in.
my master of shadows is on an MM build. I do notice that some of his minions lag behind, i am not convinced i have addressed the problem as stated by the OP, but i can only add my observations.
In any setting his minions lag behind, also he stays back to help them.
He is a bit like a human(player) only he cannot make value based decisions, but he can make time based decisions much better than any human. Therefore on balance i would love to have a quality MM on my side be it human or hero
In any setting his minions lag behind, also he stays back to help them.
He is a bit like a human(player) only he cannot make value based decisions, but he can make time based decisions much better than any human. Therefore on balance i would love to have a quality MM on my side be it human or hero
Jeff Highwind
I never use Shambling due to them not keeping up. I get irritated enough with the Flesh Golem, it's even worse when 4 other zombies fall behind.
So that's why my Shambling Horrors were running so slow behind me. I always had to create Bone Fiends since they actually keep up and attack.
Zerone Sirop
I hope this problem has been fixed.
It didn't happen too often, once in a run or mission.
It didn't happen too often, once in a run or mission.