order of character slots still messed up. Anet still has not fixed.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

ok back in prophesies, we all started with 4 slots. at that time, sorting the character slots wasn't an issue at all. it used to sort empty slots go right and slots with characters go left with alphabetical order.

about the same time Factions came out. i decided to delete a character that was in between of two characters. an empty slot just sits in between. i tried naming that empty slot by temporary making a character name that starts with "Z", but no it didn't work. sorting option was introduced, but wasn't permenant. i sort the character slots, login or logout, it goes back to "none". wasn't too happy about it, but something i can let it go since i still can tell where my characters are.

now nightfall. with a preorder package we get total of 9 slots, and this is getting ridiculous. i constantly need to move my mouse cursor left and right just to find my characters. i don't even bother to use sort option anymore.

my most recent character slots look like this now:
char A - empty - empty - empty - char C - char B - empty - empty - char D.

so char A and B is the most ones i use. i emailed Anet. they replied me and told me to go to any guildwars fansite forum and complain there. -_-;; also found out i am not the only person having this issue. of course some people don't care, but there are people do. many people i talked in-game. they are not too happy about it either.
hopefully Anet address this issue instead of making some useless "Hide UI" feature on a login screen

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

ANet should add more sorting options:
- by age (date created)
- by campaign / homeland
- by profession

Or, even better, make it drag-n-drop and let people sort manually the way they want to!

Oh, and of course your sort method should stick. The game should remember the last method you used.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Originally Posted by puhhehehee
i emailed Anet. they replied me and told me to go to any guildwars fansite forum and complain there. -_-;; also found out i am not the only person having this issue. of course some people don't care, but there are people do. many people i talked in-game. they are not too happy about it either.
How is that even remotely helpful?

It's like complaining to your local member of parliament about some social issua and him telling you to go complain to the old woman who runs the local shop. gg ANet!

Personally, on this topic, I would like to see an option to sort "by creation"...I don't see this yet.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by Tetris L
Or, even better, make it drag-n-drop and let people sort manually the way they want to!

Oh, and of course your sort method should stick. The game should remember the last method you used.
Good idea

Jongo River

Jongo River

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

I should know better, because my slots have been jumbled at least 3 times, but after Nightfall I did some pruning and ended up with a nice character layout - 4 male characters on one side, 4 female on the other and an empty PVP/preview event slot in the middle.

Now though, all I can say is the empty slot is still in the middle...

Drag and drop and actually remembering the layout setting gets my vote.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

It annoys me that it forgets you want it sorted. Kinda defeats the point in sorting it if the next time you login it is unsorted again. The order seems completely random, I have to scroll left and right looking for the character I want amongst all the empties.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by Tetris L
ANet should add more sorting options:
- by age (date created)
- by campaign / homeland
- by profession

Or, even better, make it drag-n-drop and let people sort manually the way they want to!

Oh, and of course your sort method should stick. The game should remember the last method you used.
brilliant! i really like that drag-n-drop idea




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



me three......drag n drop.......let me sort by whatever nonsensical method I choose.....and be able to change it whenever I want

and yeah I'm starting to get pretty tired of people being told by anet to complain on non-anet fansites, where they'll perhaps check on it at their leisure......it's sort of like them telling you to go f yourself and take your complaints elsewhere