I don't have nightfall (yet)...
just wondering.. what are the special features of bosses in nightfall? for example in Prophecies, bosses had shortened hex time and +3 health regeneration; and in facions, bosses dealt double damage.
also, do they have the repeated skills again in nightfall? i hated that from factions!
nightfall question.
Not really sure. They do appear to have the half hex time of the Prophecies bosses, but also seem to have double damage. Perhaps they are an odd mix of the two?
I've only come across some bosses that have double damage
Oh a GW forum
I haven't noticed anything special so far, but I've only been capping on my warrior so I can't testify to hex duration, but I haven't noticed any duration in condition length.
The Pointless
Originally Posted by NoChance
also, do they have the repeated skills again in nightfall? i hated that from factions!

I seem to have noticed a slight health regen on the bossess actually, I am not sure about this but some of them had no enchantment or whatever and still had their health regened during fight.
I get the feeling that the cast time of any spell is halved, though, it might have been my imagination.
Originally Posted by lg5000
I get the feeling that the cast time of any spell is halved, though, it might have been my imagination.
Maybe the different classes have different abilities? I suggested an idea like that months ago, wonder if that's been implemented...