Boosting overall teamwork and activity


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006


Hello everyone,

The problem I am having, is that there is a decline of activity, and mostly teamwork in my current guild. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think I can do something about it.
To encourage teamplay, members have to be rewarded, somehow. My solution to this would be a monthly Member of The Month election, but that is not enough to encourage people to their fullest. I have thought quite a while about this, but I just can't come up with concepts that will awaken interest for the whole of the guild.
I am wondering how other guilds solve this problem, how they encourage their members, and create an overall integrity.

I'd love to get some concepts for 'activation' and your overal views on this structural problem.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

It is a struggle and keeps getting harder as the game expands with people now scattered over 3 continents plus the introduction of heroes taking some team spots that might previously have gone to another player.

Let us know when you figure it out...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by DeanBB
It is a struggle and keeps getting harder as the game expands with people now scattered over 3 continents plus the introduction of heroes taking some team spots that might previously have gone to another player.

Let us know when you figure it out...
I agree for the heroes... I recently got kicked to be replaced by a hero so I'm still sour on that =| (was not done by guild, we usually know better than inviting 8 people when we know we have 7 spots only). Go teamwork...

We encourage guildies asking for help (but not spamming it, although we don't have a problem with that) and if others need something. So even if you get 2-3 guildies in a PUG group, you still work with others. We found out quickly that not everyone is comfortable with every class, although some are (I'm a necro player, was paired up with a monk, and we'd do 55/SS UW dual runs often... I miss that x.x). We also encourage new guildies to team up with us so they know us better, so we can team up even more. The chat is rarely quiet, there's always someone commenting or talking.

For activity, there's one thing we do and it "gives" the impression we're active (well we are! ). We kick people after 3 weeks of inactivity, then reinvite them (because some are on holidays, have stopped playing temporarily, etc). When we're low on members, we get guild groups going so possible recruits see the dynamics within the guild members, and we get new blood. Some leave, it's normal, some haven't left yet in over a year.

And it works.

Hope it helps, because I know the feeling of being very active in a guild that's not, or one that doesn't suit my needs. =)