Good day,
I currently bought 3 campaigns of guildwars at a time, and was wondering- if you travel between campaigns (ex. Tyria to Elona, Elona to Tyria), will you still be able to play the complete story of a certain campaign? or start at the middle?
Travelling Question
Think of the different stories as basically all happening in the same timeline. When you travel from Lions Arch to Cantha (or Kamadan), etc, you are arriving at a set point in the story. You can go backwards from that point and do the missions that have already happened, or you can go forward. and finish the storyline. In each case, you jump past the missions that ANet has deemed count as newbie missions. Jumping to Cantha, you skip over Ran Misu and Zen Daijin. Jumping to Elona you jump over the first 3 missions, and going back to Tyria you skip over 6 missions. Nothing stops you from going back and doing them though, but the rewards you get a greatly reduced.