Has Anyone Tried Urgoz Warren Since The A.I Update ?

Sirus Dibley

Sirus Dibley

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006



I was thinking Urgoz must be a nightmare now , anyone tried it yet and what is the verdict >?

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Urgozz was the first thing i did when i came online and had downloaded the update ( the skills/ai/armor one, not the halloween/nightfall one)
the team consisted of 3 monks, 2 necros, 2 eles and 5 rangers.

I have done urgozz a bunch of times before, untill nightfall it had become my favorite thing to do besides FoW and i didnt notice that much off a difference.

The only big difference i remember was in that one room where someone has to stay outside the door so it doesnt close, and there are no spawns untill you walk into the room, i think about 2/3 rooms before urgozz?

So its still doable, it hasnt been busted.