Ok, I'm sorry if this has been posted already. I have no problem at all loading my own templates but when my friend sent me his template "code" I made a new text file and all, then copied and pasted his information into it. I got in game and watched to try it. I load the template and the skills show up for mabey 1 second and then they poof. The atributes are ok they stay but the skills will not stay for me.
I am the same profesion along with the same 2nd profesion and I have all of the skills for the build but it will not load properly.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Is it just a minor bug that they are working on?
Problem with templates.
i haven't heard of any difficulties of this type. try opening a technical support ticket with ncsoft at support.plaync.com.
This happened to me as well, but it was because the template i saved was loaded with a signet of capture,i tried loading it to koss.
Its because Capture Signet isnt an "unlocked" on acount skill.
I think its to prevent duplicating Cap sigs.
Its because Capture Signet isnt an "unlocked" on acount skill.
I think its to prevent duplicating Cap sigs.
Well thats not what im talking about. I know its not only me a few other people had trouble loadin ones they got from friends as well . . . .
I haven't been able to load any templates other than ones I made myself. Neither have my guildmates.
Oren The Destroyer
load it into your folder, then restart gw, try it, usually works for me. or try adding it when gw isnt running
Templates are confirmed to work both by sending the file and loading using another person's computer to access your account. The behavior you describe is usually the result of a skill on the bar that the character cannot use, for the reasons that the others describe.
Attatched is a template for a necro/monk that contains nothing but a res sig. You can use this on a pvp character to verify that loading templates is working. If that does not work, you may be experiencing a problem that is not universal.
Please post if you have further issues.
Attatched is a template for a necro/monk that contains nothing but a res sig. You can use this on a pvp character to verify that loading templates is working. If that does not work, you may be experiencing a problem that is not universal.
Please post if you have further issues.
Well, they work now I don't know what was wrong with it but i'm just happy that its working now. A big thank you to everyone who helped me with this.