I'm making a new IRC channel for GW Pugs, where you can find people to complete your groups for certain quests or pvp parties.
Here's an example of how it could be used. You join the channel looking for a party for a Barrager for a tombs run. You send a message to the channel saying "Looking for Barrager to complete advanced 7/8 party for Tombs run, /q me". When a barrager who is interested sees the message he will send you a private message and you give him the district details and your in game name, and he will join the party.
Now I know most people will be thinking "why should I do this, I can just advertise in game". There are 3 main reasons why this is a better way to do it. Firstly, and less importantly, you don't have to load the game to do it, and you can just browse the channel casually when you're bored to see if anything interests you. Secondly, and this is the real benefit, is it is aimed at people with a more advanced knowledge of the game so you can build expert parties with specific builds. And thirdly, it saves you having to switch districts countless times to find what you want, you can look solely in one channel.
I also appreciate a lot of people who havent used IRC before may have reservations as it is not the most user-friendly program at times. For this reason I will do my best at explaining how to join the channel in the most basic terms for anyone who needs it. However, if you download NNScript and mIRC (links at the bottom), things are a whole lot simpler.
At first this channel won't be as useful as it will be less active and will take a while to gain a strong userbase. However, have faith, and stick with it. I've built countless userbases on IRC and have had up to 700 idlers in my channels in the space of 2 or 3 days, so stick with it and help me build this community.
#GW.pug @ Quakenet
Links -
#GW.pug @ Quakenet
Oh a GW forum
lmao what?
Oh a GW forum
I'm not paying $20 to use mirc... thats what.
mIRC is just an IRC client, you can use any you want
And anyway, you don't have to pay $20 to use mIRC.
And anyway, you don't have to pay $20 to use mIRC.
nice idea, but I doubt many people are going to use this.. probably most people will enter the channel, see that nothing much is going on, and leave.
mIRC is free, unlimited trial version. After the trial runs out you can still use it for free.
Broodijzer, I'd imagine lots will, but quite a few are staying already. Need more support though.
Broodijzer, I'd imagine lots will, but quite a few are staying already. Need more support though.
/server irc.gamesurge.net
/join #guildwarsguru
Guru already has an IRC channel, and it's used for getting groups, among many other things (such as my current ramblings about pie and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction). Or did nobody know that already...?
/join #guildwarsguru
Guru already has an IRC channel, and it's used for getting groups, among many other things (such as my current ramblings about pie and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction). Or did nobody know that already...?

You don't need to pay $20 you clown.
Faer, hopefully we can help support that then, and make it more accessible.
Advertising on guru is a nono.