Me and my friend play in the American territory because we thought it had more active players to help us along with quests and missions. We are from Europe and often find it hard for people to party with us.
We want to be able to play on the most popular territory but we are unsure which one that is. We understand that different territories are more populated at different times of the day but we want to know what has the majority of players, Europe of America?
What terrirtory is more popular?
Pit Bryan
You also have to think about timezones, not sure what the difference is - but personally I would say stay on Europe, when you finish the game and whatnot you'll be able to go to the higher-end places alot more (UW and FoW) since Europe usually has favour.
It depends on what time of day you do most of your playing. If you play late nights or early in the morning, the US districts will have more people. Towns in Euro servers get totally barren after midnight, especially in the later missions.