Paragon Armor - Help!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ontario, Canada

Exalted Legionnaires [ExL]

I've run into a bit of a bind here. You all know of Elonian armor right? Witht he large neckbrace and round shoulders and full body cover? You get it at Consulate Docks for 1k a piece.

Okay well if you buy it there, they don't come with the extra health or energy or armor mods, and are therefore inferior to all of the other types of armor.

Is there anywhere else you can pick up elonian armor further into the game with the mods intact?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Nope, no nightfall armour to my knowlege actually has stats on them due to the new insignia system, you can customise your armour to be what you want with insignias...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ontario, Canada

Exalted Legionnaires [ExL]

Well as a warrior, it just showed ALL of the armor to be 80+20. There should be other kinds like 90+10 and glads with +energy and whatnot. I'll look into it.

This means I have to buy armor AND it's mods.

Way to ruin the economy, now everyone will want gold even more. It's all sell sell sell and no buying.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


The Confidential Men [Cmen]


yeah...the armour is 1.5k in proph and factions....this is 1k....saves quite a bit there...

and BTW, warrior armour dosent have the energy mods or anything, the 80+20vs physical is on ALL kinds of warrior armour by default, like how casters get pips of nrg regen on theirs.

if it was just 80 armour.....then a paragon would have the same armour as a warrior