Hi all, just started GW this week with purchase of Nightfall. Previously played Star Wars Galaxies (years ago). So far, I'm impressed, a lot.
I've been reading stickies and older threads, and thw Wiki, great info. One question that I think I know the answer to, but wondering what the community thoughts are. With me only owning Nightfall, and it being so new, and me being new to the game, does it make sense to go out and buy Propecies (the first game/campaign) and level to 20 there, then goto Factions or back to Nightfall ?
Not just for the content, but for "leaning" about the game ? When I look for help on Nightfall missions (online) there isn't much there yet (obviously its new), but the other campaigns have tons of info about them posted.
My problem -> I only get 10 hours to play a week, if I am lucky, and might go 1 month or more without playing at all. Hence the no monthly fee looks great to me.
OK second question ;-) , I started Nightfall as an Elementalist/Dervish. I think I made a mistake (only at level 8 now) , should I delete character and start over to make a E/Nec ? I'm interested in solo PvE play I think. Giving the time constraints on me: along those lines of thinking, should I keep that character. but buy Prophecies, and start an E/Nec character there instead (get 6 slots then) ? Or should I just stick with Nightfall for now, change secondary (somehow??? wiki/forum has info for prophecy but not nightfall how to change secondary) ?
Which Campaign to buy Next ?
You can change your secondairy profession! Press K and select a new secondairy. If it doesn't work, press M, click the boat and go to The Temple of Balthazar and talk to the professionchanger.
Also, I'd start off with Prophecies if I were you, starting with the start is the best thing I guess
Though if you don't have much time to spend on Guild Wars, finish Nightfall first and maybe buy another campaign later
Also, I'd start off with Prophecies if I were you, starting with the start is the best thing I guess

It seems like with limited time you might enjoy one all the way through and then add another. For me, if I were to add another I'd never finish anything as I'd be going back and forth between them. Maybe that is just me.
Having NF already, I'd recommend adding Prophecies next, then Factions or chapter 4 if it is out already by the time you're ready for it, unless you absolutely love the idea of a ritualist or assassin.
Even as a part time player, getting in a good guild will make the game more fun and provides a safe place to ask questions or find team mates for help in game. Check us out if interested.
Having NF already, I'd recommend adding Prophecies next, then Factions or chapter 4 if it is out already by the time you're ready for it, unless you absolutely love the idea of a ritualist or assassin.
Even as a part time player, getting in a good guild will make the game more fun and provides a safe place to ask questions or find team mates for help in game. Check us out if interested.
With Nightfall you get a decent tutorial, so stick with it.
Prophecies lacked a tutorial and there was a huge difference between the starting area and the real game area (know as pre-searing and post-searing respectively). You can't access any storage in pre-searing, your inventory is limited to a total of only 25 slots, there are no traders (armor, weapons, dye, materials, runes, etc), the crafters offer very limited selections, etc.
So if you know how to play the game from playing NF then you can rush through pre-searing and get into real game. There are 25 missions in Prophecies, there is lots of content, and lots of fun.
Prophecies lacked a tutorial and there was a huge difference between the starting area and the real game area (know as pre-searing and post-searing respectively). You can't access any storage in pre-searing, your inventory is limited to a total of only 25 slots, there are no traders (armor, weapons, dye, materials, runes, etc), the crafters offer very limited selections, etc.
So if you know how to play the game from playing NF then you can rush through pre-searing and get into real game. There are 25 missions in Prophecies, there is lots of content, and lots of fun.
Prophecies lacked a tutorial |
I'd go with Prophecies as the second one. As much as I loved Factions and I'm one of the few who did I think, Prophecies is a much larger game and has alot more to do in the long run, so it would definately provide you with extra great gameplay time... It's also alot slower of a game too for leveling your character. NF and Fac rush you to level 20, where Prophecies takes its time and you enjoy parts of the game alot more.
Proph, imho, had the best tutorial. You'll not need that after playing Nightfall, but I'd say get it after NF. There are alwyas people on somewhere in Tyria, and Cantha is probaby going to become a pseudo-ghost continent now. You'll only sty in Pre-Saring for around seven levels. You also get lots of free skills in Proph, and if you want to be competetive in PvP you'll need the Proph skills.
Wow, thanks for the quick responses!
But now I'm more confused :-)
Question: So I shouldn't bother with prophecies (bad/no turotial, worse gamplay), or I should buy it (its enjoyable) and I'd be able to go thru all of its content quickly since I'm familiar with game now ? Also: Thanks for the pre-searing vs post-searing definition, Wiki did not describe that and I was clueless there ;-) NOW I understand what people are talking about!
With regards to sticking with NF versus buying Prophecies now vs in two monthes when I level up in NF: At my local game store, they only had two copies of Prophecies Collectors Edition left, and no Nightfall. I'm worried they may stop selling the boxed editions (which I prefer, in case PC crashes etc, I like manuals etc). Unfounded worry ? You can't buy used (from what I read) so "what if" they stop selling electronically also ?
I'll look up your guild! Thanks for the offer! I'm afraid I won't be of much service to a guild with a limited skill set that I would attain, but I will certainly check it out.
OK one more, I understand pressing K or character attributes etc, but from the other threads I have read I (at level 8) can't change my secondary. True, untrue ? Travel to some mission (to change prof) out of my reach ?
But now I'm more confused :-)
Originally Posted by ikepdx
With Nightfall you get a decent tutorial, so stick with it.
Prophecies lacked a tutorial and there was a huge difference between the starting area and the real game area (know as pre-searing and post-searing respectively). You can't access any storage in pre-searing, your inventory is limited to a total of only 25 slots, there are no traders (armor, weapons, dye, materials, runes, etc), the crafters offer very limited selections, etc. So if you know how to play the game from playing NF then you can rush through pre-searing and get into real game. There are 25 missions in Prophecies, there is lots of content, and lots of fun. |
With regards to sticking with NF versus buying Prophecies now vs in two monthes when I level up in NF: At my local game store, they only had two copies of Prophecies Collectors Edition left, and no Nightfall. I'm worried they may stop selling the boxed editions (which I prefer, in case PC crashes etc, I like manuals etc). Unfounded worry ? You can't buy used (from what I read) so "what if" they stop selling electronically also ?
I'll look up your guild! Thanks for the offer! I'm afraid I won't be of much service to a guild with a limited skill set that I would attain, but I will certainly check it out.
OK one more, I understand pressing K or character attributes etc, but from the other threads I have read I (at level 8) can't change my secondary. True, untrue ? Travel to some mission (to change prof) out of my reach ?
Wow you guys post fast! OK ignore my first question about Proph, I think I'll pick up the CE edition today. But my other questions remains, when do I start with Proph, now ? or wait until I finish NF ?
I would really like if I could send my NF character to Proph map, go thru all the quests there, while completing the Nf quests also. Somehow I think I won't be able to though ? If not, then my current and future NF characters can't get skills from prior campaigns even if I unlock them and merge accounts in the future ?
So it would seem to start with Proph, maybe do Factions, then continue with NF ?
I would really like if I could send my NF character to Proph map, go thru all the quests there, while completing the Nf quests also. Somehow I think I won't be able to though ? If not, then my current and future NF characters can't get skills from prior campaigns even if I unlock them and merge accounts in the future ?
So it would seem to start with Proph, maybe do Factions, then continue with NF ?
I think you need to do some quests first before you can freely change secondaries...Don't know it for new players though...
With me only owning Nightfall, and it being so new, and me being new to the game, does it make sense to go out and buy Propecies (the first game/campaign) and level to 20 there, then goto Factions or back to Nightfall ? |
OK second question ;-) , I started Nightfall as an Elementalist/Dervish. I think I made a mistake (only at level 8 now) , should I delete character and start over to make a E/Nec ? |
OK one more, I understand pressing K or character attributes etc, but from the other threads I have read I (at level 8) can't change my secondary. True, untrue ? Travel to some mission (to change prof) out of my reach ? |
But my other questions remains, when do I start with Proph, now ? or wait until I finish NF ? |
I would really like if I could send my NF character to Proph map, go thru all the quests there, while completing the Nf quests also. Somehow I think I won't be able to though ? If not, then my current and future NF characters can't get skills from prior campaigns even if I unlock them and merge accounts in the future ? |
Also, I reccommend a good guild as well. If you are interested in casual PvP and need some help learning the ropes, I reccommend XoO. (You can google Xen of Onslaught for their site.) Alternatively, look at some of the other fan forums that allow guilds to advertise when they are recruiting and apply for ones that interest you. team-iq.net and guild-hall.net both have recruitment areas. GWGuru has a thread for players looking for a guild where you can post information about yourself.
If I were you, I would get Factions, and then prophecies. IMO, Factions was at least 10 times funner than Prophecies. Also, more than 3/4 of Prophecies is basically teaching you how to play, and I think Nightfall taught you pretty well already.
Also, regardless of which chapters you get, you can always go back and forth between them whenever you feel like it, so you don't have to only play a certain one.
Also, regardless of which chapters you get, you can always go back and forth between them whenever you feel like it, so you don't have to only play a certain one.
Originally Posted by Deron
Wow, thanks for the quick responses!
But now I'm more confused :-) Question: So I shouldn't bother with prophecies (bad/no turotial, worse gamplay), or I should buy it (its enjoyable) and I'd be able to go thru all of its content quickly since I'm familiar with game now ? Also: Thanks for the pre-searing vs post-searing definition, Wiki did not describe that and I was clueless there ;-) NOW I understand what people are talking about! |
Then buy Prophicies and play through that. You'll be able to play quickly though pre-searing because you'll already know the basics. If you are afraid of them not carrying the boxed edition you can always buy it now and wait to play, but I believe you'll be able to find the boxed edition for quite awhile.