Perfect uselessness. Need upgrade guide.



Join Date: Nov 2005


I've searched high and low, and I'm looking for a guide on what each upgrade is for each weapon( example axe haft of fortitude) and what specific numbers/effects it gives.

The games old enough to where people only mention the tops, and most people know what they do, but i haven't played in a year and was a real newb back then so I didn't even bother with upgrades.

For example, I know Barbed means extends bleeding, because I have a Barbed sword, but that's about all I know. Vampiric and the rest?

All I've been able to find is a list of each, with prices.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Join Date: Dec 2005



A/ has everything on game mechanics.

Priest of Balthazar lists all upgrades available.

And, within seconds, on the mainpage of guildwiki, I find this nice little link:

It's not up-to-date yet, because new things were released with NF.

/sigh, Inde should place a pop-up box before people ask questions, and it should only ask 1 question: Are you certain this information is NOT on It'd save gwg alot of bandwith...



Join Date: Nov 2005


Much apppreciated.

Warrior Of The Toon

Warrior Of The Toon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Returning after a 50 month break. Hi.



Check out guild wiki


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Or walk up to a priest of balthazar either in your guild hall if they have added him or on the battle isles and he will show you everything.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Type ============= Perfect Value , Description

Sundering ========== 20/20 , 20% armor penetration, 20% chance
Furious =========== 10% , 10% chance to gain double adrenaline
Enchanting ========= 20% , Enchantment last 20% longer
Hale, Fortitude ====== +30 , Adds 30 health always
Mastery =========== 20% , Adds 1 to mastery level, 20% chance per action
Defense, Defensive === +5 , Increase your armor level by 5
Shelter ============ +7 , Increase armor vs. physical damage by 7
Warding =========== +7 , Increase armor vs. element damage by 7
Insightful ========== +5 , Adds 5 energy always

Slaying (creature type) ================== 20% , Damage to creature type +20%
Lengthen Condition (bleeding, poison, etc) ==== 33% , Condition lasts 33% longer
Elemental Damage (fire, cold, etc) ========== ~ , Awayas changes physical damage to listed
Vampiric Sword/Axe/Dagger/Spear ========== 3/1 , 3 life steal per hit, -1 life regeneration
Vampiric Bow/Hammer/Scythe ============= 5/1 , 5 life steal per hit, -1 life regeneration

Sorry, don't know how to format in this forum
Please feel free to add anything I've likely forgotten.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

You forgot Zealous!!!

Zealous==================1/1, 1 energy gain per hit, -1 energy regeneration


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


With burning arrow out now, we need a bowstring that lengthens burning