I've searched high and low, and I'm looking for a guide on what each upgrade is for each weapon( example axe haft of fortitude) and what specific numbers/effects it gives.
The games old enough to where people only mention the tops, and most people know what they do, but i haven't played in a year and was a real newb back then so I didn't even bother with upgrades.
For example, I know Barbed means extends bleeding, because I have a Barbed sword, but that's about all I know. Vampiric and the rest?
All I've been able to find is a list of each, with prices.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Perfect uselessness. Need upgrade guide.
www.guildwiki.org has everything on game mechanics.
Priest of Balthazar lists all upgrades available.
And, within seconds, on the mainpage of guildwiki, I find this nice little link:
It's not up-to-date yet, because new things were released with NF.
/sigh, Inde should place a pop-up box before people ask questions, and it should only ask 1 question: Are you certain this information is NOT on guildwiki.org? It'd save gwg alot of bandwith...
Priest of Balthazar lists all upgrades available.
And, within seconds, on the mainpage of guildwiki, I find this nice little link:
It's not up-to-date yet, because new things were released with NF.
/sigh, Inde should place a pop-up box before people ask questions, and it should only ask 1 question: Are you certain this information is NOT on guildwiki.org? It'd save gwg alot of bandwith...
Much apppreciated.
Warrior Of The Toon
Or walk up to a priest of balthazar either in your guild hall if they have added him or on the battle isles and he will show you everything.
Type ============= Perfect Value , Description
Sundering ========== 20/20 , 20% armor penetration, 20% chance
Furious =========== 10% , 10% chance to gain double adrenaline
Enchanting ========= 20% , Enchantment last 20% longer
Hale, Fortitude ====== +30 , Adds 30 health always
Mastery =========== 20% , Adds 1 to mastery level, 20% chance per action
Defense, Defensive === +5 , Increase your armor level by 5
Shelter ============ +7 , Increase armor vs. physical damage by 7
Warding =========== +7 , Increase armor vs. element damage by 7
Insightful ========== +5 , Adds 5 energy always
Slaying (creature type) ================== 20% , Damage to creature type +20%
Lengthen Condition (bleeding, poison, etc) ==== 33% , Condition lasts 33% longer
Elemental Damage (fire, cold, etc) ========== ~ , Awayas changes physical damage to listed
Vampiric Sword/Axe/Dagger/Spear ========== 3/1 , 3 life steal per hit, -1 life regeneration
Vampiric Bow/Hammer/Scythe ============= 5/1 , 5 life steal per hit, -1 life regeneration
Sorry, don't know how to format in this forum
Please feel free to add anything I've likely forgotten.
Sundering ========== 20/20 , 20% armor penetration, 20% chance
Furious =========== 10% , 10% chance to gain double adrenaline
Enchanting ========= 20% , Enchantment last 20% longer
Hale, Fortitude ====== +30 , Adds 30 health always
Mastery =========== 20% , Adds 1 to mastery level, 20% chance per action
Defense, Defensive === +5 , Increase your armor level by 5
Shelter ============ +7 , Increase armor vs. physical damage by 7
Warding =========== +7 , Increase armor vs. element damage by 7
Insightful ========== +5 , Adds 5 energy always
Slaying (creature type) ================== 20% , Damage to creature type +20%
Lengthen Condition (bleeding, poison, etc) ==== 33% , Condition lasts 33% longer
Elemental Damage (fire, cold, etc) ========== ~ , Awayas changes physical damage to listed
Vampiric Sword/Axe/Dagger/Spear ========== 3/1 , 3 life steal per hit, -1 life regeneration
Vampiric Bow/Hammer/Scythe ============= 5/1 , 5 life steal per hit, -1 life regeneration
Sorry, don't know how to format in this forum

Please feel free to add anything I've likely forgotten.
Marty Silverblade
You forgot Zealous!!!
Zealous==================1/1, 1 energy gain per hit, -1 energy regeneration
Zealous==================1/1, 1 energy gain per hit, -1 energy regeneration
With burning arrow out now, we need a bowstring that lengthens burning