Rilohn Refuge / The Drought MOST


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Hi there i found my new "favourite" mission.
I've tried a few times today...and besides the fact that the bonus seems incredible hard for me at that point of the game
(even if your a gw player from the beginning) that just cant be true.

The Boss of this Mission:

The Drought (+2 little Droughtlings) - Eartheles

Elite Sandstorm and +50% Earth-Dmg from Area Effect
= 300dmg per second for 10secs and knockdown for whole team.
(and thats only from that 1 spell)

+ Protective Spirit dont help , Mantra of Earth dont help, ele stance dont help

thx Anet for this imba ****

i guess with a coordinated team u can beat the mission
(not including the +50% earth dmg from the bonus)....

but cmon....what shall new players say about this ?

maybe anyone found a way to deal with the problem ?
any help would be appreciated




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


Um... I did it with henchmen. What class are you and what are the henchmen/heros you're taking with you?


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Im P/Mo Motivation / Supporter

i usually took Ele / Monks with me, Master of Whispers of Course...
(Made 1 earthele with wards and so on)

but still the npc cant heal all that **** ....tried all (WoH, Prot, ...LoR)

1 time was close to success (without bonus) but had only the Drought left and too much Penalty.

(I guess u made no bonus) ...else ur ummmm...god :P

edit: my master of whispers is MM.

edit: just tried again with henchies n heros (No bonus)

owned by sandstorm again....i hate this mission....sandstorm even works if i dont attack somehow....still enough dmg



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


BGP Army [BGP]

I did this with a really helpful Master of Whispers setup, set him to N/R and max Curses and put ~7-8 points in Wilderness Survival (I think) and give him Spinal Shivers and Winter. Winter negates the extra damage you take from the effect on you since it changes all damage into cold damage, and Spinal Shivers interrupts the Drought every time he gets hit with cold damage, so basically every time he gets hit he gets interrupted. You'll probably have to manually make him cast Shivers, though, as I learned after a near-wipe (stupid AI not being psychic :-p).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Also, If you took the ranger hero set her up as an interrupter. Max experteise and split between wilderness and marksmanship and she can pretty much keep any spell caster from doing anything that has longer than 3/4 sec cast time.

You will need to target the drought and lock your interruption heroes on it if you go after the droughtlings (what I did).


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

thx for the hint with the "winter" spirit....thats a pretty smart one.
gonna try it out right for interrupts...had that before but maybe must make her little more aggresive interrupter

EDIT: awesome...thanks again for the hints...spinal shivers and winter = roxx.
(+ i added fertile season and symbiosis)

i almost took no dmg this was like stealing a babys lolly

thx so much again



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Galactic President Superstar Mc [awsm]


All you need is a fire nuker with Glyph of Renewal and Meteor Shower and a Minionmaster.

Toilet Monster

Toilet Monster

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Army of Snowmen [Xmas]

yep, and if you want a HARD mission try Ruins of Morah.. THATS almost impossible


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Ruins of Morah is easy as hell.

4 monks (2 heroes 2 henchies) (setting 1 up as prot helps too) anything else, hardly matters what
Kill clerics, kill varesh, move party back to where you begin (use the flag)
Pull the monsters that spawn back to the flag, kill, repeat until you can safely attack Varesh without aggroing other monsters.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

I did it with henchmen. The sandstorm wiped out half of my team, but henchmen res fast, and we killed him.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Hrmmm these are with maxed out heroes with the correct weapon sets right? I tried playing with a level 9 Drunkoro (I know that not how you spell it but I prefer it that way) and he dies too quick... I think I am in for some more grind... sigh.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Max level: Yes, apart from one of them who was level 19.
Correct weapon sets: Nope, my heroes still use whatever it is they start out with.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Bring daze.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


BGP Army [BGP]

Originally Posted by jenny2
thx for the hint with the "winter" spirit....thats a pretty smart one.
gonna try it out right for interrupts...had that before but maybe must make her little more aggresive interrupter

EDIT: awesome...thanks again for the hints...spinal shivers and winter = roxx.
(+ i added fertile season and symbiosis)

i almost took no dmg this was like stealing a babys lolly

thx so much again
Hooray, I'm useful!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Hey i just did the mission with henches/heros
and i also got the bonus without winter
The Boss isnt really hard ^

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Here's what we did. After killing the 2 groups by the steps we just went for the draught, ignoring the lings til after he was dead. It's while you're trying to kill those 2 that he always gets you. I was on my ranger with 2 interrupts and my pet had one and I just kept hitting them right after they recharged, sort of spamming....just concentrate on the draught. The main thing you have to remember is to interrupt him, as often as you can.



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

On my first time there, my hench group was wiped out because I underestimated the damage done by this boss. I had 5 interrupts on heroes and me, but no daze or chocking gas.

For the second attempt I tried this:
- Jin + Broadhead Arrow + Max Markmanship + Longbow + Target Lock = No Spell at all from the The Drought
- Add 4 physical damagers + 2 monk henchmen + 1 Order of the Vampire Necro

Once you've cleaned the chamber, you must kill the boss and two droughtlings. Ignore the lackeys and concentrate on the boss. Stay away from aggro zone, order Jin to engage with a Broadhead Arrow on the The Drought. Quicly attack with the rest of the team and enjoy Devona's Charge. Slice The Drought into pieces (armor ignoring damage from life-stealing is nice for this) while the daze + multiple attacks interrupt everything. Once he's dead, kill the lackeys. Enjoy your flawless master reward.

If for any reason, you mess up with Jin's BH, you may have instant deaths. In this case, don't try to fight, retreat asap, rebirth and try again.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Defiant Dragons

Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
On my first time there, my hench group was wiped out because I underestimated the damage done by this boss. I had 5 interrupts on heroes and me, but no daze or chocking gas.

For the second attempt I tried this:
- Jin + Broadhead Arrow + Max Markmanship + Longbow + Target Lock = No Spell at all from the The Drought
- Add 4 physical damagers + 2 monk henchmen + 1 Order of the Vampire Necro

Once you've cleaned the chamber, you must kill the boss and two droughtlings. Ignore the lackeys and concentrate on the boss. Stay away from aggro zone, order Jin to engage with a Broadhead Arrow on the The Drought. Quicly attack with the rest of the team and enjoy Devona's Charge. Slice The Drought into pieces (armor ignoring damage from life-stealing is nice for this) while the daze + multiple attacks interrupt everything. Once he's dead, kill the lackeys. Enjoy your flawless master reward.

If for any reason, you mess up with Jin's BH, you may have instant deaths. In this case, don't try to fight, retreat asap, rebirth and try again.
Pretty much the way I did it too. BHA > ellie boss. Jin was carrying BHA, savage, and distracting, and I locked her onto the boss and she kept him perma-dazed, never got a single spell off.



Crimson King

Join Date: Jun 2006

Resplendent Makuun

Song of the Forsaken

Another approach that worked for me was this setup:

Me - Domination Mesmer

Backfire, Enchanter's Conundrum, Shatter Delusions (other skills but those were key)

3 melee, Cynn, 2 healing monks, and Whispers as a MM.

We took out two Droughtlings and since one of the Minions pissed off the Drought we had to rush it then, I slapped Backfire on him before his first spell went off. He cast Ebon Hawk and Stoning about 2-3 times each (147 damage for each spell) and then hit the clincher, Sandstorm. I thought I was done, but I slapped Conundrum on him and Shattered it, doing another 95+79 damage, plus the 147 from Backfire and he just fell apart. Only Koss died from Sandstorm.

Although I think the Winter setup is good, this worked in literally 10-15 seconds. 16 Domination Magic FTW.