I'm completly new to GW and a little confused on how the skill system works.
I've read that the more points you have allocated to a attribute, the longer the skill lasts, but when are we able to acquire a certain/or all the skills?
For example i read someone needed 4 in beast mastery for tigers fury to be available, i could be wrong on this.
Are the skill available by trainer also based by our level?
Will just having 1 point in the attribute unlock the core skills, but how many for all the skillls/elites?
I checked the skill section but no mention for points or when obtainable.
how does skill acquiring work?
Skills can be bought at skill trainers for gold and 1 skill point. Skill trainers can be found in outposts and cities
the level of your attribute has nothing to do with what will be available. it only effects that attribute and how well the skills will work.
If you have the first guild wars, you can get even more skills by doing quests. At the end of the game there is a skill trainer that ahs all of the normal skills.
then there are elite skills, those can only be goten by having a signet of cature and using it after defeating a boss that has a colord aura. You can only capture skills of your primary and secondary class.
the level of your attribute has nothing to do with what will be available. it only effects that attribute and how well the skills will work.
If you have the first guild wars, you can get even more skills by doing quests. At the end of the game there is a skill trainer that ahs all of the normal skills.
then there are elite skills, those can only be goten by having a signet of cature and using it after defeating a boss that has a colord aura. You can only capture skills of your primary and secondary class.