infused armor will get uninfused?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

i just started playing GW again after a 1~1.5 year break and i've noticed 1) my infused armor is gone, 2) i have this mini purple charr thingy that walks around...i heard the charrs cost a lot of money? why did i get one?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Seers of Serpents [SoS]


Try the FAQ for your questions.

As for your armour question, check your inventory closely again. Its easy to mix things up after 1.5 years, otherwise this is a major bug which hasnt surfaced else where so far.

As for the mini Charr its a "birthday gift" for your PvE characters reaching the age of 1 year old (12 months) from creation (/age).

Edit: this belongs to Q&A unless infused armour being lost is a bug (unlikely)?