A Small Black Dye Issue
Lmao Roflus
Today I declare myself a long time reader, first time poster of these forums. I have seen alot of irritating things occur in this game but this by far has compelled me to register and throw this post together. As we all probably are well aware of now, dyes have been improved but there is one thing that hasn't been improved about dyes, the most important thing of all...
This is a comparison of the old black dye to the new black dye. It is obvious which one is far superior.
My question is, why doesn't old black dye update into the new black dye? Why must I be forced to buy the new black dye? It is certain that old black dye is completely inadequate now. Dyes that were sitting in people inventories unused were changed into the newer dye versions, why not the dye on the armor? It makes no sense.
Here is another comparison:
When I first dyed that armor I was kind of discouraged since it came out to this metalic dark blue, but now that the new black dye makes it the color it was supposed to be in the first place. So I am stuck with it.
Even on this hideous Frostbound set, black dye came out like charcoal. Now the new black dye actually puts black on it, the way it was meant to be.
Druids, a set we all know and love comes out in dark grey when I put black dye on it? Wait a minute, I thought I bought black dye for this set, I guess I was wrong. The logic of putting black dye and expecting it to be black doesn't apply in the Guild Wars universe apparently. But now, with this new black dye it comes out a brilliant jet black.
I could keep going but I really don't feel like taking screenshots of all my characters and putting them here, I think you get my point.
I keep getting screwed over with black dyes that do not dye black. Now all of the sudden new black dyes are in that truly dye black but there is one catch, old armors don't get the benefit. It is so ridiculous that myself and many others are stuck like this because I guarantee nobody out there likes dying their armor black and seeing it come out as dark grey, or dark purple, or some stupid crap like that.
This is a comparison of the old black dye to the new black dye. It is obvious which one is far superior.
My question is, why doesn't old black dye update into the new black dye? Why must I be forced to buy the new black dye? It is certain that old black dye is completely inadequate now. Dyes that were sitting in people inventories unused were changed into the newer dye versions, why not the dye on the armor? It makes no sense.
Here is another comparison:
When I first dyed that armor I was kind of discouraged since it came out to this metalic dark blue, but now that the new black dye makes it the color it was supposed to be in the first place. So I am stuck with it.
Even on this hideous Frostbound set, black dye came out like charcoal. Now the new black dye actually puts black on it, the way it was meant to be.
Druids, a set we all know and love comes out in dark grey when I put black dye on it? Wait a minute, I thought I bought black dye for this set, I guess I was wrong. The logic of putting black dye and expecting it to be black doesn't apply in the Guild Wars universe apparently. But now, with this new black dye it comes out a brilliant jet black.
I could keep going but I really don't feel like taking screenshots of all my characters and putting them here, I think you get my point.
I keep getting screwed over with black dyes that do not dye black. Now all of the sudden new black dyes are in that truly dye black but there is one catch, old armors don't get the benefit. It is so ridiculous that myself and many others are stuck like this because I guarantee nobody out there likes dying their armor black and seeing it come out as dark grey, or dark purple, or some stupid crap like that.
Chilly Ress
Many people have had this problem with white dye when dying on different sets. There's alot of things I wish I knew why Anet did them.
Divinus Stella
yeh, i just re-dyed my mesmer, if they changed peoples armour colour then they would most likely complain so its a lose-lose situation, just be happy that the dye is improved.
Yep. Look what happened when they updated the character faces. If they would've retroactively redyed everyone's old armor, the uproar would have been deafening.
I should note, I would have been one of the people yelling very loudly.
Want a new color? Buy new dye.
Want to complain about something? Complain that black and white are so artificially expensive. Singling out some colors as "rare" is just stupid.
I should note, I would have been one of the people yelling very loudly.
Want a new color? Buy new dye.
Want to complain about something? Complain that black and white are so artificially expensive. Singling out some colors as "rare" is just stupid.
the price has to do with supply and demand. few people sell a black dye and lots of people buy black dye. its the other way around with other dyes. its just part of the GW economy.
Lmao Roflus
I am not even talking about the lesser dyes. Yeah, I guess people would complain if all of the sudden they were given a different shade of their cheap dye. As for white dye, how long has that been around for? A week? Black dye has been ridiculous since day 1 of this game. For a dye as high caliber as black they should give us something for putting up with their pitiful excuse for a black dye before the update. Back then I didn't complain because that was just the way black dye was, but now black dye is so much better and yet we are stuck with the old version. Black dye has rarely dyed the way it should until now with this update. You dye something green, it almost always comes out green. You dye something black, it almost always comes out dark grey? Where is the logic in that?
Like in this picture, do I even have to comment at how ridiculous the old black dye was compared to the new one?
Same thing here, our old friend the grey black dye makes another appearance.
This is just a joke how weapons dye black.
Even if there is that one in a million person that prefers seeing their black dye spit out outrageous shades of blue, purple, and grey. Would it be so hard to have like some "dye upgrade guy" standing around taking 50g or something to change your character to the newer version of dye?
Then you say how "the uproar would have been deafening" when in fact all unused dyes have been retroactively changed to the new versions, meaning your precious armor colors that you would be yelling loudly about no longer can be recreated. Why aren't you complaining about that somewhere? Where is the uproar and the loud yelling?
And yeah, wouldn't be ever so wonderful if I could go out and buy new black dye? Well guess what, that means I would have to spend over a million gold on new black dyes, how practical is that?
Like in this picture, do I even have to comment at how ridiculous the old black dye was compared to the new one?
Same thing here, our old friend the grey black dye makes another appearance.
This is just a joke how weapons dye black.
Even if there is that one in a million person that prefers seeing their black dye spit out outrageous shades of blue, purple, and grey. Would it be so hard to have like some "dye upgrade guy" standing around taking 50g or something to change your character to the newer version of dye?
Then you say how "the uproar would have been deafening" when in fact all unused dyes have been retroactively changed to the new versions, meaning your precious armor colors that you would be yelling loudly about no longer can be recreated. Why aren't you complaining about that somewhere? Where is the uproar and the loud yelling?
And yeah, wouldn't be ever so wonderful if I could go out and buy new black dye? Well guess what, that means I would have to spend over a million gold on new black dyes, how practical is that?
prodigy ming
hum... on the sin cathan 15k, I actually like the black not as dark.
But yes you are right, they should update the previously dyed armor to the darker tone now.
But yes you are right, they should update the previously dyed armor to the darker tone now.
Quid Pro Quo
Honestly I like the dyes on my old characters.
The new black doesn't look good on my old characters at all.
The new black doesn't look good on my old characters at all.
Alex Weekes
Remember the uproar about the faces changing? OK, so now imagine what would happen if we imposed the new dye colours onto pre-existing armours... 
It's not just enhancements to each colour of dye. The whole dye system has changed. I believe auto-updating armours dyed black would also mean auto-updating every other dyed armour as well, and that's something we did not want to do. There's a lot of players out there who already have the colours they want on their existing armour.
I've noticed in other dye threads that some players have pointed out that dye mixing does not result in the same colours as it used to. That's because the new system conforms to more realistic colour mixing than the old system. The new system will generate a larger number of potential mixes. Old colours you used to use should still be available, however the recipe may be different now and you'll need to experiment in the preview window to see what is needed.

It's not just enhancements to each colour of dye. The whole dye system has changed. I believe auto-updating armours dyed black would also mean auto-updating every other dyed armour as well, and that's something we did not want to do. There's a lot of players out there who already have the colours they want on their existing armour.
I've noticed in other dye threads that some players have pointed out that dye mixing does not result in the same colours as it used to. That's because the new system conforms to more realistic colour mixing than the old system. The new system will generate a larger number of potential mixes. Old colours you used to use should still be available, however the recipe may be different now and you'll need to experiment in the preview window to see what is needed.
That is confirmed... to make the mix I had previously I had to mix in one extra dye... (which really means I had to spend extra $$$ for the dye damn gold sink).
Thank you Alex, now we know it's not just a bug ^_^!
Lamont Shadow
I guess I was one of the lucky ones that was very happy with the way things turned out.
I first noticed the new black when my necromancer's armor, which was dyed after the new system came out but before the black tweak, turned a beautiful shade of dark black - exactly what I wanted. So, I think they did update armor that had been dyed black after the new system started.
However, my assassin, whose imperial leggings were dyed before the new system came out remained a lighter black - which I appreciate because it gave him the look of wearing stone washed black jeans.
I first noticed the new black when my necromancer's armor, which was dyed after the new system came out but before the black tweak, turned a beautiful shade of dark black - exactly what I wanted. So, I think they did update armor that had been dyed black after the new system started.
However, my assassin, whose imperial leggings were dyed before the new system came out remained a lighter black - which I appreciate because it gave him the look of wearing stone washed black jeans.
Originally Posted by Quid Pro Quo
Honestly I like the dyes on my old characters.
The new black doesn't look good on my old characters at all. |

the old dye may have been lighter in color but at least it dyed the whole area it was supposed to
don't get me wrong the darker shade of black is nice Im just upset over the fact that I spent 6 months working towards my obsidian armor and now I dont use it anymore because it looks so bad now

The funny part of this thread is that the OP shows 7 x 15k or FoW armors...
Alotia Slipfeet
Yep ill agree with you there gran. although now I need to save up and redye my ranger amour of its B+G and see if its the actually color that I want it.
Originally Posted by Alex Weekes
I've noticed in other dye threads that some players have pointed out that dye mixing does not result in the same colours as it used to. That's because the new system conforms to more realistic colour mixing than the old system. The new system will generate a larger number of potential mixes. Old colours you used to use should still be available, however the recipe may be different now and you'll need to experiment in the preview window to see what is needed. |
And the preview window! Talk about a time and gold saver!
Yes, the new system is far superior. Even though some of my old armor that had mixed dyes on it changed color, I'm not going to complain, considering the huge amount of money I expect the preview window will save me.
The new system is still bad... Elementalist Fissure is still purple its ugly please Anet fix it.
Oh a GW forum
Originally Posted by Rhedd
Yep. Look what happened when they updated the character faces. If they would've retroactively redyed everyone's old armor, the uproar would have been deafening.
I should note, I would have been one of the people yelling very loudly. Want a new color? Buy new dye. Want to complain about something? Complain that black and white are so artificially expensive. Singling out some colors as "rare" is just stupid. |
As for the change, I'm really satisfied with it. They left old armor like it is because some people may like it like that. If they want it to look like the new dye, they can just re-dye it. Everyone wins.
Once I get my hands on a black dye I'm going to see how it effects every peice of armor I own, might go dye crazy with it.
Originally Posted by GranDeWun
The funny part of this thread is that the OP shows 7 x 15k or FoW armors...
Guess he had a alot of plat to burn...

prodigy ming
where do you people farm/find dye anyways?? I have been playing for a year and a half and still never found a black dye.