Mission spots not showing as missions?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


I have been to a few towns that are mission spots, Nundu Bay for example, with no available mission yet. Ok, so I figure I have to do a quest or something to get there. The icon for Nundu shows as a regular outpost.

Now I am in venta cemetary and finished the primary quest and the town still shows as an outpost rather than a mission. Is this a bug or a nuance I am not understanding yet?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

United Union [GWU]

Which primary quest have you completed?
If you did not complete the required primary quest then the outpost will display as ... well... an outpost.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Right, that's what I figured, but I just finished "And a Hero will Lead them" which activated the NPC in venta to allow me to enter the mission. But it still shows as a town, not a mission.

Hand of Shiva

Hand of Shiva

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Phoenix, AZ of the USA

Exalted of the Unconquered Sun


That seems a little wierd. Perhaps it will remain a normal town until you actually do the mission and get some kind of score on it which will make it turn into a Mission town. I don't know seems to be stretching out on a limb but give it a whirl and see what happens.

Jongo River

Jongo River

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

I noticed this too, until I logged in the following day and the outpost became a mission. It seems just activating the mission guy isn't enough to change the map immediately.

Wish they'd just stuck with the old system - I assume the change is supposed to increase immersion, but it just seems convoluted and pointless to me. Having to locate and click on an NPC, often burried under a couple of dozen players, when I used to just click "Enter Mission", doesn't help either.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006

Iowa, USA


Originally Posted by Jongo River
Wish they'd just stuck with the old system - I assume the change is supposed to increase immersion, but it just seems convoluted and pointless to me. Having to locate and click on an NPC, often burried under a couple of dozen players, when I used to just click "Enter Mission", doesn't help either.
I actually like the new system, it solves the mission problems in both Proph and Factions. In Proph the issue was being able to skip missions and really take the story out of wack. They tried to solve that in Factions by using locked gates but that was just no fun for the players.

The Nightfall system allows you to enter the town but you are unable to do the mission, and mess up the story line, untill the Quest that activates the NPC is completed. This allows you to essentally explore most of the mainland, once you get there, without messing up the plot line.

Nice feature.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by thezed
I actually like the new system, it solves the mission problems in both Proph and Factions. In Proph the issue was being able to skip missions and really take the story out of wack. They tried to solve that in Factions by using locked gates but that was just no fun for the players.

The Nightfall system allows you to enter the town but you are unable to do the mission, and mess up the story line, untill the Quest that activates the NPC is completed. This allows you to essentally explore most of the mainland, once you get there, without messing up the plot line.

Nice feature.
I agree, the new system works really great. It takes the good features from both proph and factions, it's really nice they came up with this.

@Jongo River
Hold alt.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


I also like the new system, it makes the game less Go to town A, B, C, D, E, F...

Now it's flows more naturally and I love the fact they even use the explore zones as mission zones and the use of the level maps / swapping based on how you "warped" to it. It givens them a great deal of plot freedom.

Hand of Shiva

Hand of Shiva

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Phoenix, AZ of the USA

Exalted of the Unconquered Sun


Well you know it really doesn't have anything to do with the way the outpost looks on your map. It wouldn't have hurt anything if the outpost looks like a mission area but you couldn't do the mission until you talk to the right people or do the right quest line. I think they could have made it a little more defined as to which places are Missions and which ones are simple outposts. I sometimes have a very short memory span (especially at 3 am in the morning finishing up these long quest lines) so when I log out for the evening and come back the next night I have no primary quest no arrow indicator of where I'm suppose to go and theres no mission spot on the map for me to go "Oh that's right I have to go over there to start my next mission so i can get my next primary quest duh". Its more of a graphical indicator issue then anything else. I mean I like the way you can't skip over missions anymore and all but at the same time the indicators that you've arrived at a future mission point would be nice.