another thread said they would be, but I havent found out how to do it with the scythe or the spear yet.
anyone been able to upgrade theirs?
are preorder weapons upgradeable?
Pevil Lihatuh
I haven't tried it, as the previous weapons never were, and I think I read that they temporarily were which was a bug that's been fixed. Not 100% on that though so I'd wait for someone else to confirm it.
i actually never tried as well since preorder items stats are good enough. i highly doubt they are upgradable.
While I haven't tried it with the most recent weapons, earlier preorder weapons (ithas bow) are modable.
In the past i was able to add a health bowgrip to the Nevermore flatbow (bonusitem for GW2006 version). However i couldnt change the poison bowstring... Same goes for the sundering Rhino hammer. I havent tried other bonusitems. And i dont know if you still can do that (so many things get nerfed).