- You can't get rid of your Heroes Pet.
- You can't name your Heroes Pet.
- You can't make your Heroes proudly wear your Guild cape.
- Will they move their mouth in a future update on Prophecies and Factions? It's a small detail but for me it makes the game look better in a small way.
- Will there ever be a built in calculator? Some people take forever to switch screens. ( Thankfully not me
) but other people don't belive me when I tell them how much it is.
- Will there ever be a built in TeamSpeak, Ventrillo or XFire on it? And there could be an option for it then you can turn it on and off, if you know you have a slow connection, that way it won't use more bandwith from the small resource you have. ( God bless the Dial-Ups we love you all when you upgrade to DSL at least
- The Weaponsmith should have an option to "Decostumize" option if it's done by the guy that costumized the weapon. ( I have a Kanaxai's Edge that I can't get rid off cause I costumized it
and many other weapons that I could use from my other chars on my Heroes )
I had more ideas but now they are lost somewhere in my head. I gues I won't need to find them after this thread is closed.

Complain: Is it just me or everything lags more after Nightfalls release? and how cool is to have a /stuck command when you get way more stuck than you ever did before? and the sad thing is that the /stuck command only works once per zone