Bugged, no attention or future update?

Death Legion

Death Legion

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Xbox Live Knights


Some sad things that I found out about GuildWars and some cool ideas that I hope to see in the future:
  1. You can't get rid of your Heroes Pet.
  2. You can't name your Heroes Pet.
  3. You can't make your Heroes proudly wear your Guild cape.
  4. Will they move their mouth in a future update on Prophecies and Factions? It's a small detail but for me it makes the game look better in a small way.
  5. Will there ever be a built in calculator? Some people take forever to switch screens. ( Thankfully not me ) but other people don't belive me when I tell them how much it is.
  6. Will there ever be a built in TeamSpeak, Ventrillo or XFire on it? And there could be an option for it then you can turn it on and off, if you know you have a slow connection, that way it won't use more bandwith from the small resource you have. ( God bless the Dial-Ups we love you all when you upgrade to DSL at least )
  7. The Weaponsmith should have an option to "Decostumize" option if it's done by the guy that costumized the weapon. ( I have a Kanaxai's Edge that I can't get rid off cause I costumized it and many other weapons that I could use from my other chars on my Heroes )

I had more ideas but now they are lost somewhere in my head. I gues I won't need to find them after this thread is closed.

Complain: Is it just me or everything lags more after Nightfalls release? and how cool is to have a /stuck command when you get way more stuck than you ever did before? and the sad thing is that the /stuck command only works once per zone some people can't see enemies on their range but their health is droping like a Fly by the time they type in /stuck it's too late they where actualy surrounded and left to death. Some times I wonder why the henchies and Heroes are not following me when I'm far ahead, and I have realized that for them I'm standing right in front of them while on my screen I'm a mile ahead then I just lag back to where they are I hope this gets fixed cause it's realy annoying! and no I DO NOT have Dial-Up or DSL as a crapy connection. I got cable



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


De-customization will NEVER happen. you can give customized weapons to Heroes to use, but that is about as much leeway you will ever see on that...

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


1 and 2 reasonable and might be looked at
3. Heroes are at your command but they most certainly don't belong to your guild.
4. Sounds like a waste of time and resources to me; I'd say unlikely.
5. Don't see any real need for it; I always have my trusty ol' TI-83 close at hand.
6. The devs did once mention looking into an ingame chat function; doesn't mean we'll get one though.
7. Horrible idea; it'll never happen.

The lag is cause sooo many people are playing.

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Originally Posted by Death Legion
The Weaponsmith should have an option to "Decostumize" option if it's done by the guy that costumized the weapon. ( I have a Kanaxai's Edge that I can't get rid off cause I costumized it and many other weapons that I could use from my other chars on my Heroes )
This has been said 1,000,000 times before, If an option to decustomise a weap existed it would become pointless as you might as well have the +20% Dmg come as standard on every weap dropped, crafted and swapped for at a Collector. You made the choice of Customising your Edge, live with it, just like I have to live with a customised Totem Axe (although that's not even a problem for me )



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Death Legion
I gues I won't need to find them after this thread is closed.
I really wish people wouldn't make threads they knew would be closed. There barely is a question in this thread, just a rant. If you want something fixed in or added to the game, look in the suggestions forum and see if anybody's posted about it first. Closed.