Pre-searing ranger trainers



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

British Columbia

I have this annoying problem.. I've probably wasted two hours trying to find this guy, on the GuildWiki it says that I have to find someone named Aidan in Wizards Folly to do a quest that gives me two skills, but I cant seem to find the guy anywhere!

And the skill training NPCs that I talk to tell me to find Master Ranger Nente even though I already have all the skills he rewards me with... according to the wiki at least.

Does anyone know where I can find these NPCs? Does anyone have a screenshot of the world map that pinpoints their locations? I'm playing prophecies if that makes any difference.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

merrimack , NH

midevil massacres


there is a npc in ashford village that will give you a quest called hunters horn( not to far from devona) complete this quest and it will lead you to aiden, collect the reward for hunters horn quest from him then the next quest he gives you will be the quest you are looking for .


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Lowlands Strike Force


Another way to get there

Start from sardelac sanitarium, go out and turn right.

Follow the road to wizards folly

Whe you zone in follow the road up to the open area.

Turn left into the field, follow the grass turning right.
Beware the lvl 3 bears are very agressive.

Then you see a stream on your left

Hug the left side, cross the stream and continue north

You will soon come to some sort of fisherman village

Continue north and when you cannot continue anymore go left.

Shortly you will find Aidan on your left side.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Shaq_gw
Another way to get there

Start from sardelac sanitarium, go out and turn right.
I think you meant Ashford Abbey. But good directions otherwise.