Newb, starting up?
Hi guys, I might be starting up Guild Wars. I have recently quit both FFXI, and WoW and want to try yet another new RPG. I was thinking about starting with Guild Wars 3 Nightfall. If I were to do this, would I be able to figure out what I was doing without playing the first 2, also would there be many new people besides myself? Also how is the gameplay?
No you do not have to play chapter 1 and 2 to fully enjoy guildwars.
To play with new characters it is not needed to find new players, veteran players starting new characters (or playing multiple) alot in guildwars.
Also there is no level limit to team up with another player.
How is the gameplay? Just start playing Nightfall in PVE mode and let the game guide you through. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly
How is it compared to WOW? Don't ever go there, they are completely different type of games. Just try it to know if you like it.
If you didn't buy it yet, post in the thread to ask for a buddy key so you can try for free for 14 days or 10 hours play, whichever comes first.
Happy hunting.
Go guildwars is you like:
- Being positively surprised with each update / expansion
- A developer company that really listens to the community
- To be able to be max level in PVE in 2 days if you want
- Being able to jump into PVP at max level from the start
Go Guildwars if you hate
- killstealing
- waiting for boss spawns
- grinding
- spending hours to form a party
- spending hours for a single quest / raid
- Pvp ganking while PVE-ing
Go WOW/EQ etc if you
- Want to be uber leet with your epic armor and ultra high level (in GW it's easy to get max level, max armor etc)
- Don't like that you could play the game without grouping with other players if you would want to (nightfall hero's is the next step into that direction)
- Like the aspect of being with hundreds of people in the same explorable area (GW only in towns, explorable area's are all instanced)
There's more .. but this should give you an idea of what to expect.
To play with new characters it is not needed to find new players, veteran players starting new characters (or playing multiple) alot in guildwars.
Also there is no level limit to team up with another player.
How is the gameplay? Just start playing Nightfall in PVE mode and let the game guide you through. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly
How is it compared to WOW? Don't ever go there, they are completely different type of games. Just try it to know if you like it.
If you didn't buy it yet, post in the thread to ask for a buddy key so you can try for free for 14 days or 10 hours play, whichever comes first.
Happy hunting.
Go guildwars is you like:
- Being positively surprised with each update / expansion
- A developer company that really listens to the community
- To be able to be max level in PVE in 2 days if you want
- Being able to jump into PVP at max level from the start
Go Guildwars if you hate
- killstealing
- waiting for boss spawns
- grinding
- spending hours to form a party
- spending hours for a single quest / raid
- Pvp ganking while PVE-ing
Go WOW/EQ etc if you
- Want to be uber leet with your epic armor and ultra high level (in GW it's easy to get max level, max armor etc)
- Don't like that you could play the game without grouping with other players if you would want to (nightfall hero's is the next step into that direction)
- Like the aspect of being with hundreds of people in the same explorable area (GW only in towns, explorable area's are all instanced)
There's more .. but this should give you an idea of what to expect.
The Pointless
Of course there will be newcomers... such is the nature of stand-alone games like the GW camapigns 
I wouldn't worry too much about the first 2 chapters, if you ever wish to take them on, there's no rush to do that, you can finish NF and take on the prior campaigns later.
As for the gameplay... I suppose it's down to preference. There was a major AI update that has split opinion. But at the end of the day, it's not about having the most powerful weapon, it's about having the weapon you can work with and how skilled you are with it. Good tactics plays a part too.
Some facts:
*For the most part, GW PvE is co-operative. No other player can kill you unless it is a PvP mission and that player is on the other side.
*You do not, I repeat, DO NOT need to stay in town and kill rats for a week. In fact, you can't kill in towns or outposts. (unless ANet come up with a new event to allow this temporarily)
*The maximum level is 20, for the sake of balance. Please, spare people some annoyance. Don't ask for help in training. The quests and monsters are laid out to allow you to level up at the right pace, meaning you should never have to grind.
*You can jump straight into PvP, but you may be disadvantaged at first. You have to unlock everything for PvP characters, which can be done in the PvE campaign

I wouldn't worry too much about the first 2 chapters, if you ever wish to take them on, there's no rush to do that, you can finish NF and take on the prior campaigns later.
As for the gameplay... I suppose it's down to preference. There was a major AI update that has split opinion. But at the end of the day, it's not about having the most powerful weapon, it's about having the weapon you can work with and how skilled you are with it. Good tactics plays a part too.
Some facts:
*For the most part, GW PvE is co-operative. No other player can kill you unless it is a PvP mission and that player is on the other side.
*You do not, I repeat, DO NOT need to stay in town and kill rats for a week. In fact, you can't kill in towns or outposts. (unless ANet come up with a new event to allow this temporarily)
*The maximum level is 20, for the sake of balance. Please, spare people some annoyance. Don't ask for help in training. The quests and monsters are laid out to allow you to level up at the right pace, meaning you should never have to grind.
*You can jump straight into PvP, but you may be disadvantaged at first. You have to unlock everything for PvP characters, which can be done in the PvE campaign
Ok, thank you very much. Where should I post about needing a buddy key and what do I do with it?
The buddy key request thread is here:
You can use it to create a new account which will be active for 14 days or 10 hours of gameplay whichever comes first.
You can use it to create a new account which will be active for 14 days or 10 hours of gameplay whichever comes first.
Thanks a ton man, if I do get a Buddy key what do I do with it like what do I have to download?
The Pointless
The whole of that game I guess. Most people have managed to finish the game in a day or two so someone "upstairs" only knows how far you can actually get in 10 hours =\
Download the client from, install and run it. Then when the login screen appears, click "Create account or add access key" should be obvious from that point
Download the client from, install and run it. Then when the login screen appears, click "Create account or add access key" should be obvious from that point