And thanks to the hero system i wanna keep more drops because hero's need runes, insigna and weapons too. Some stuff is very hard to get atm, so i keep everything of which i think they may be handy in the future.
Most of my chars already have 2 or 3 armors for various purposes. For example my ranger has 3 armors, 6 or 7 different bows, id kit, sup salvage kit, normal salvage kits, keys, candy canes, minipet, mask(s). While playing i get drops so i need free slots when i start playing. I usually salvage many of my drops but crafting materials consume space in your bags too. This raises the need of as much open bagspots as possible before i start playing. Everything that i dont need at that time needs to be somewhere else.... but that is already a problem

Storage is a logical place to store items, but storage is "only" 20 slots (plus 1 for craftingitems ofcourse). It doesnt matter if you have 1 or 20 chars on that account, the storage size stays the same.
Because i dont want to sell things of which i think i need them in the (near) future, i already made a mule character (char doesnt play, just as an extension for my storage) but even that doesnt seem to be enough

I think many more players are struggling with these problems, so i started to think about possible solutions too:
* Storage size dependable on number of characterslots (with 20 storageslots minimum?), like 5 storageslots per characterslot
* Extra storage for dyes, keys and maybe masks (system similar to crafting materials)?
* Make masks accountbased not character based?
What are your ideas on this "issue"??