Nightfall makes a bigger storage necessary??



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


I have Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall. Since Nightfall i have a really hard time to keep things organized... there are new runes, insignas, inscriptions, new keys, new dyes that wont stack with old ones (sometimes even with new ones), etc.

And thanks to the hero system i wanna keep more drops because hero's need runes, insigna and weapons too. Some stuff is very hard to get atm, so i keep everything of which i think they may be handy in the future.

Most of my chars already have 2 or 3 armors for various purposes. For example my ranger has 3 armors, 6 or 7 different bows, id kit, sup salvage kit, normal salvage kits, keys, candy canes, minipet, mask(s). While playing i get drops so i need free slots when i start playing. I usually salvage many of my drops but crafting materials consume space in your bags too. This raises the need of as much open bagspots as possible before i start playing. Everything that i dont need at that time needs to be somewhere else.... but that is already a problem

Storage is a logical place to store items, but storage is "only" 20 slots (plus 1 for craftingitems ofcourse). It doesnt matter if you have 1 or 20 chars on that account, the storage size stays the same.

Because i dont want to sell things of which i think i need them in the (near) future, i already made a mule character (char doesnt play, just as an extension for my storage) but even that doesnt seem to be enough

I think many more players are struggling with these problems, so i started to think about possible solutions too:

* Storage size dependable on number of characterslots (with 20 storageslots minimum?), like 5 storageslots per characterslot
* Extra storage for dyes, keys and maybe masks (system similar to crafting materials)?
* Make masks accountbased not character based?

What are your ideas on this "issue"??



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006



I'd welcome an increase in storage, or more mat based storage options. An armur and inscription one would be most welcomed. Maybe make the storage char based, and have a five slto account based storage system. This'd be hard to implement so maybe just more storage places would be better.

Sophitia Leafblade

Sophitia Leafblade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Dragon Slayer Guild [DSG]


I think they should give us the ability to purchase a dye and Key slot to storage for like say 1k each and perhaps an extra 20 slots tab for like say 10k (for the account not for the char) or failing that last one they should add a major rune of holding that increases bags/belts by another 5 slots and then a superior rune of holding that increases just the bags an additional 5 slots (so u end up with 10 slots in ur belt and 20 in ur bags)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mina Sucks [Blz]

yea since the release of NF ive had such a hard time, with all the halloween items ive won and my salvage/id kits, spare armor, diff weapons ive got about 8 slots free on my char.. with all the new insignias etc i want to keep some for new chars/heros or see if any are worth anythin a lil bit down the line unfortunately i cant atm.

if hero's could store some things it would be a big help even if it was a bit of storage shared between all ur heroes, anet have said they will be giving storage upgrades but so far nothing has materialised that helps the bulk of the problem. Maybe if they could do something like Diablo 2:LoD where u could store a second set of weapons that didnt take up space but increase this to armor aswell so we could have 2 sets of armor and 2 weapon sets that didnt take any inventory space



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Originally Posted by ischuros
Maybe make the storage char based
Bad idea... If anet would do that then you cant give you drops to one of your other chars anymore

EDIT: oops i see now you also referred to a few accountbased slots



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


I totally agree, since Nightfall my storage has been full and so have my two mule characters. This game is seriously in need of some extra storage options. I just can't believe that ANet think that we can use the original 20 slots that came with Prophecies now we have three full campaigns. Ok we have the materials tab, but that doesn't help out with keys, dye, armour and weapons.

For now I'd just like the ability to drop a 10 slot bag into each storage slot, that would be a start. That is until someone at ANet realises that we really do need a key ring, an armour locker and a weapons rack.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Exit 9 NJ Trnpk

The Roaming Gnomes[roam]


Additional dye and key storage would help a lot, Armor storage would be nice as well. I only have one mule and she full as well. But with the holiday items, adn special event items you tend to run out of space quick, even with trying to keep the volume down.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


We Are Too Cute In [Pink]


Wardrobe storage plzkthnx
Rune/insignia/inscriptions/dye storage would be nice aswell, since players keep those around for later use.

The material storage was a huge step forwards, even though it's limited to 250pieces. I still have some chars carrying materials around.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

South west UK

Iztrian Guild [IZ]


I agree.Playing all 3 games with all my characters spread about I am struggling .
With keys and dyes and "seasonal gifts" I really do not want to sell
I have no room for anything else and like playing my mule characters now.
I am finding it hard to juggle things around to actually play.
Please could we increase storage someway Anet?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


I'm still waiting for a key or even a dye storage!!!!

All they have to do, is make a tab in the storage EXACTLY like they did for the material storage except with the various keys or dyes in the game. It would make my life so much easier!! It can't be that hard to implement into the game!!!

Young Hero

Young Hero

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005



Additional storage can be purchased via 10$ character slot from the store.

Very sad that storage remains 20 slots after 3 chapters.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


When i think about it then ischuros's idea about a global and a personal storage isnt a bad idea... you can use the global storage as it is now: to store items that must be available to all chars (like keys, dyes, valuable items, etc). Then you have a similar personal storage when you can put your stuff that you dont need carry with you all the time.

Ofcourse stuff in the personal storage isnt available when in explorable areas, but you still can switch while in towns or outposts with a storage...

For example: i have 7 bows, but i mainly use 3 (plus a staff for trapping). The other have more specific grips like deathbane or dragonslaying, etc. I dont need them all the time. Same for armor...

I also can keep my masks there because i dont use them outside outposts/towns. Maybe also store weapons for my hero's while they dont have the REQ to use them yet, etc etc...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Originally Posted by Young Hero
Additional storage can be purchased via 10$ character slot from the store.
Sadly you need a creditcard to buy there and i dont have one

Helios Skyfire

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Everyone Fights No One [Quit]


Maybe they should just make extra storage slots purchasable in-game.

With a sliding price scale - like skills.

Something like:

+5 slots: 500g
+5 more: 1k
+5 more: 1.5k
+5 more: 2k
+5 more: 2.5k

Or something similar. You'd want to keep the price high enough that every character isn't running around with a 500 slot storage, but low enough that most players could still afford a few extra slots.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

ANet, people have always asked for this, why not? Gaile, give me a reason.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ontario, Canada

Exalted Legionnaires [ExL]

I think there should be a material slot for EACH of the major categories. A tab for 250 of each dye, a tab for 250 of each key, a tab for up to maybe 10 of each kind of insignia, inscription, and rune.

Weapons and whatnot shouldn't have their own space though, that would be just dumb. But if they had those extra tabs, they wouldn't even need to extend the storage space.

Also I think Rune of Holding should work on belt pouches now.

Helios Skyfire

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Everyone Fights No One [Quit]


I also thinnk there should be major and superior runes of holding. >.>



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

The Tomb of Souls



Yeah, I am having a rough time. I agree with the above and dye storage, etc.. it owuld help greatly. Even then though all these events with masks, etc... are causing a hinderance too.. I mean I don't want ot get rid of the special items...

Anet is really slacking ohere.

pork soldier

pork soldier

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

I very much like the idea of giving everyone one storage tab per chapter and an additional per-character tab for each character that isn't shared accountwide. I'd also like to see henchmen each have a backpack, and while we're at it you could double the size of the original storage.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Id like to see an idea that was floated around before, player housing. STOP LAUGHING! It could be instanced, just like when you leave town, but the doorway would be the portal to the interior. Could use places like the Ascalon settlement in Kryta, some of those houses in mission towns/outposts, ect. Maybe first add an Armory to Guild Halls, as a place for members to store unneeded weapons and armor. Maybe charge somewhere around 1/4-1/2 the cost of the hall as a "installation fee". Just a thought.

Helios Skyfire

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Everyone Fights No One [Quit]


I dunno - implementing housing just for the benefit of storage seems like a lot of wasted effort on ANet's part.

Besides, most people don't play GW to be Sally Homemaker.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


I agree with the thread starter about the fact that you need to keep more stuff to add to your heroes equipment. I don't have Nightfall, so i dont really know how heroes work, but if it's similar to henchies, heroes should have an invenoty THEMSELVES. I mean, henchies get drops, and i hope heores do get too, so why not have them get their own inventory? It may take lots of more time, because you need - I dont know how much heroes you can have - more inventories to manage, and in my opinion, 6 inventories for all myc haracters + 1 storage is hard enough..



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


I agree with the thread starter about the fact that you need to keep more stuff to add to your heroes equipment. I don't have Nightfall, so i dont really know how heroes work, but if it's similar to henchies, heroes should have an invenoty THEMSELVES. I mean, henchies get drops, and i hope heores do get too, so why not have them get their own inventory? It may take lots of more time, because you need - I dont know how much heroes you can have - more inventories to manage, and in my opinion, 6 inventories for all myc haracters + 1 storage is hard enough..



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


Sorry for the double posting, the PC lagged a bit and i thought it wasnt doing anything so i clicked again, can anyone please tell me how to remove a post, as i see only a button called edit.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Antisocial Misfit

I think putting another 5 slots in the belt pouch and bags is a GREAT idea. If you have 8 chars across all 3 accounts that would be an extra 120 empty slots.
Having hero self-storage for their stuff sounds good too.

I don't have NF yet and even with a mule I have storage problems. I can just imagine what it will be like with all the new collector's stuff and hero weapons.
All the holiday headgear pretty much negates all my belt pouches, not to mention the other goodies we've been given for halloween and wintersday.(not complaining about the stuff, thanks, Anet!)

And yes, I am a bit of a packrat.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

the lack of storage is VERY anoying! heck, its been anoying even since Factions came out, now its getting rediculous.

and i have 2 mules....



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Underworld

Leader of Grenth Gaming Inc [GG]


Rune Storage/ Insignia Storage would be nice...........



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I guess the storage upgrade for Nightfall was the bonus character slot we got for the prerelease pack.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Yeah if this were A petition, I'd sign it...heh

Helios Skyfire

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Everyone Fights No One [Quit]


Originally Posted by DeanBB
I guess the storage upgrade for Nightfall was the bonus character slot we got for the prerelease pack.
Actually, IIRC, Gaile Gray did say something about a few things not making it for release - but still planned for close after in NF - including Guild Storage among other things - I'll see if I can find the post...but my search fu is not very strong...


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



I think 5 slots per character additional storage in Xunlai would make me happy. I'd even pay another 25g each character in order to get it. 6 characters = 30 slot Xunlai, 8 characters = 40 slot Xunlai. Having 8 characters share the space originally intended for four is just ridiculous.

Helios Skyfire

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Everyone Fights No One [Quit]


Ok, I did find SOME of what she said in another section - But I'm pretty sure she mentioned guild hall storage somewhere at some point, too.

Anyway, here's what I found on post-NF improvement talk:



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ontario, Canada

Exalted Legionnaires [ExL]

Originally Posted by ForgeWhelp
Yeah if this were A petition, I'd sign it...heh
Petition here.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


yes!! more storage is badly needed!!
If our heros could each have their own 'bag' (5 items) that would save up some space since we have to carry their alternate weapons.....

and dye storage, and key rings (a ring for say 5 keys at a time).....

right now 4 of my characters are completely full, 3 are near ------so I play only 2 characters right now (one newbie and one tyria trying to get to the end of the game)....otherwise the others have stuff stashed on them and if I get more of that stuff I have to dump it in storage, log out, log on with mule--rinse and repeat if that mule doesnt have all those items.....arrrrghhh!

and we wont even mention armor (I have a mesmer, need I say more?)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I really need some storage space... I ain't gonna say anymore than that. Something akin to a Wal*Mart warehouse would be preferable. You know you got problems when you craft too many armors or have materials sitting in your primary storage and on your characters. Albeit I still have used 3 of my other slots... still this idea needs some serious though by ANet.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006



/NOT SIGNED Anet gives a small storage to stop hording. if you are allowed to hoard massive amounts of items/armor/insignias etc, it would throw the eco even more out of balance than it is now. im surprised Anet gave a storage upgrade. dye hoarding? insignia hoarding? yes, lets let all the high lvl players hoard the signias, runes, and dyes, thus having none sold to the merchants, thus lets them control the entire eco, screwing over all new players for the rest of guild wars lifespan.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Originally Posted by 4ssassin
/NOT SIGNED Anet gives a small storage to stop hording. if you are allowed to hoard massive amounts of items/armor/insignias etc, it would throw the eco even more out of balance than it is now. im surprised Anet gave a storage upgrade. dye hoarding? insignia hoarding? yes, lets let all the high lvl players hoard the signias, runes, and dyes, thus having none sold to the merchants, thus lets them control the entire eco, screwing over all new players for the rest of guild wars lifespan.
1st of all this isnt a poll or a petition so there is nothing to sign... 2ndly, not every player collects stuff just to sell it. I wanna keep things that i find for personal use. I keep my dyes because i know i will buy more armor (for new chars) and i wanna dye it to make it look nicer. We need insignas and runes for Elona armor and not just for us, but for a whole army of hero's too (i already have 9 hero's and i am not even at 40% of the game).

We are just tired of keep things organized so that we can play in a normal way... we dont want to sell everything we find because we are running out of storage-/bagspace. Thank god anet solved the stacking problem with dyes (only that already saves many slots)

Tbh, i doubt we will see extra storagespace for stuff that do not stack (like runes), but anet, please give us at least some extra space so that we dont need to do quest/missions with full bags all the time...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

I agree, more storage is a must now, and people ARENT usually hording, Im of the opinion that thats a rarity. Think about this, an ele needs 4 sets of armor, 1 for each element. Add in 2 wands for each(1 for +15 energy, 1 for max damage), we have a total of 28 items already, and thats just weapons and armor! No offhands yet, No Id,salvage, Expert salvage kits, and 28/45 slots are used. add in those kits, its 31/45 slots. Of course, theres the 4 slots per character in Xunlai storage, but with 2 more characters from Factions, and now 2 more(afiak)from Nightfall, that goes down to 2-3 slots each. Thats assuming a linked account, and if you have an unlinked account, its much worse, and also bad if you bought adiditonal character slots. I think many are using those as mules, correct me if Im wrong. I plan to get Factions next month, and 1 character will definatley be a mule. Ive thought about it for months, and never once considered doing it any other way, due to the necessity of a mule for me.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Like I said in another forum, we need more storage space. When GW came out, four characters shared the storage. Now we have twice that many or more characters.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


We could always have ANet control the economy by controlling the price of the commodities. That way it won't encourage hoarding as prices will remain the same regardless of what happens. This will also add stability to the economy, this can be done it two ways direct control of the prices (merchants are agents for ANet) or control via drops (using demand and supply). What do you guys think?