Why are the Endgame weapons horrid?


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


My only complaint with Nightfall.The endgame greens are horrid.More so than that of even Factions.

Why must players who actually understand that Sundering and Fortitude are horrid weapon mods have to pick from such a bad collection?

and the shields..What the hell happened here?

Forgotten Shield, Req 9 Tactics/Strength/Motivation/Command
+10 Armor Vs Ice/Fire/Lightning/Earth
+30 HP

What?How Useful.Perhaps if it was simply +10 versus all elemental damage I'd consider it actually good.But,its agaisnt specifics.

The only good to come out of this..(And its not even that good..)Are the Wands.They're the same as the waywards.+5>50% and 20% of your attribute of choice.

Whats truly sad,is that,this game introduced the Inscriptions system,and yet we cant choose our own inscriptions and mods for our own specialty weapons?

Way to fail.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


You know...nobody is forcing you to get an endgame green....

midnight caretaker

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

the bows are nice, ill admit the shields are complete crap but there are some good items there. Greens rarely have nice skins thats why one reason why golds are worth more. Just cus you beat the game doesnt mean u deserve an elite weapon.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

The Tomb of Souls



meh, this is why i sell the greens and customize my own stuff



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Actually the shields are useful in very specific situations (ranger with winter or great conflagaration??).

These shields are actually very rare to find in drops and im glad anet made them easy to get.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ontario, Canada

Exalted Legionnaires [ExL]

Simple Solution: Be like me, and don't use greens.

Get a gold, GOOD SKINNED item and get the mods yourself, it pays off in the end, because it's YOUR item.

The ONLY green I would ever get are wayward wands, and victo's battle axe. Even if it's common and crappy, but just because Tyrian Sickle skins are immensely rare and almost never come in max, let alone gold, and actually does have a good skin. That being said, Kanaxi's Axe is crap as well, because the skin is garbage.

By the way, if you don't like 20/20 +30, what are your ideal mods and what do you use them for? Some of the answers I get when I ask this question are pretty interesting.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

My dog let's me crash at her place.



lol, not sure what makes you say they're crap. i've got my eye on a few of them. they definitely are better than a 15 req vamp sword and daggers.

that cold sheild is perfect for trying to fit a warrior into a ranger greater con/winter build (with mantra of frost and sentinel armor that's 126 AL vs anything with 1/3 to 1/4 additional damage reduction (depending on how much you put into inspiration)
(except chaos, dark and and holy spells). 133 AL if you have a warding mod on your weapon.

great setup for farming things that munch on enchants

crippling recurve bow? that's a no-brainer. all 5 of the basic bow types at all? pretty awesome.

definitely better than the greens at the end of prophecies...oh wait...nm

oh, and i didn't know that sundering and fort suck. i like having all kinds of different options for different situations. i'm a big believer that no skills/mods/items suck in this game...even Otyugh's Cry...the (arguably) stupidest skill in the game actually gives pets armor.

who would've thought that a stupid low level offhand with wussy conditional energy mods and -50 health would sell for 6k?

etc, etc.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006



Well I havent got there yet, but your descriptions dont seem that bad to me!

By the way, common practice is to add a space after a full stop, comma, etc. It makes reading a lot clearer and easier.

(The space bar is the long one at the bottom of the keyboard) j/k.

Plastic Cutlery

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Yeah I hate it... Rangers are the only ones with decent greens to me... finished the game with my Paragon earlier this morning and ended up not picking a weapon because I dislike them all... I mean 3 assassin daggers, EVERY ONE with the same stats? Are you kidding me?

And I was hoping to finally get a decent spear or shield but apparently not.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



It would be nice if the endgame reward item allowed you to make your own green. The skin would be pre-set, but all the mods and inscriptions would be added in a fashion similar to the new PvP weapon creation menus. It would also be nice if the item was named for your character that made it and perhaps auto-customized upon creation. (The book would still be tradeable, but the items would be customized at creation.)




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

Having the weapons and shields be inscribable would have made them great (and put the new system to further use). As it is, there's some good stuff in there, but I would have preferred to have more freedom of customization.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by Theus
Fortitude are horrid weapon mods have to pick from such a bad collection?
Fortitude is a great mod, one of the best. You have a valid complaint though, I like Maya's idea best.

Plastic Cutlery

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Yup... I really hope Anet sees this and rethinks the current endgame items... it would be really nice if you could choose from a a few different skins and you can pick your own stats... I would get one in a heartbeat in that case.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


I actually liked that you have more of a choice in the matter in some stuff - They have 1 of each kind of Bow, They offer Staves, etc. What I didnt like was that they were all basically run of the mill skins

Also the Weaponsmith there...In Factions it was the rare +5energy weaponsmith. In Nightfall its some cruddy recharge 10% (or was a casting 10%? doesnt matter)? Those Inscriptions is soooooo common I can't give them away in town - It sort of cheapens the fact that there even is a weaponsmith there. If they wanted to make the stats common - The skins could have atleast been the Endgame Green skins and not the basic weaponsmith selection.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I though Green items were unique items belonging to certain boss monsters or heroes by definition. Therefore once completed to make your own green item the game should take your item that you give it and give you the option to put whatever inscription on it and then turn it green with your preferred name... therefore falling into the definition of a green item "a weapon belonging to a certain "hero" ".



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


BGP Army [BGP]

Originally Posted by dansamy
It would be nice if the endgame reward item allowed you to make your own green. The skin would be pre-set, but all the mods and inscriptions would be added in a fashion similar to the new PvP weapon creation menus. It would also be nice if the item was named for your character that made it and perhaps auto-customized upon creation. (The book would still be tradeable, but the items would be customized at creation.)
Can I /sign stuff in this forum? Because that idea is fantastic.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Make Ole Na Hoa Alii Kaua [LoNo]

