Deadly Paradox- A new age for Deadly Arts



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

All Senses Failed [aSF]


In case you guys haven't tinkered around with this skill yet, it allows you to constantly cast deadly arts skills against your opponent because it reduces both activation time and recharge time by about 50%.

Some people have avoided this skill because it disables all of your "attack skills." Notice, however, that the deadly arts tree doesn't have "attack skills," it has "spells" (hence this really isn't an issue.)

The best way to use Deadly Paradox I've found is when coupled with inspiration magic. Personally I'm running 16 in deadly arts with 12 in inspiration and then using an inspiration staff.

Some Key Benefits:
1. Constant Poison
2. Constant Hex Degen
3. Constant Cripple
4. Constant Interrupt
5. Decent Spam Damage
6. Spike Potential with sig of toxic shock

Deadly Arts DOES NOT do as much damage as a normal dagger/critical strikes builds, but it offers some really nice versitility especially on the assassin hero. Mine at the moment is an interrupting machine (I threw in some from inspiration magic as well) that removes hexes from my party and still deals decent damage.

Anyways, I don't want to give away my build at this time, but I hope this helps you all start looking in the right direction for making some really fun Deadly Arts builds by using Deadly Paradox


Join Date: Dec 2005




Energy? Use on Me/A or E/A maybe?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Oddly enough, though, for attack skills with recharges longer than 10 seconds (which is nearly all of the good ones), Deadly Paradox is some kind of wonderful. If you have something like BLS having a 12 second recharge, or Horns, or Twisting at the 12-15 second mark, DePa resets those recharges to 10 seconds...and actually resets all of your recharges to 10 seconds. So you blow through your combo, and then it's only 10 seconds (or less, due to the faster recharge, I think) until you rock your combo again.

I'm liking a combo of Shadow Prison, BLS, a few other attack skills, Shadow of Haste, and DePa. It's good stuff.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ontario, Canada

Exalted Legionnaires [ExL]

Originally Posted by Tozen
In case you guys haven't tinkered around with this skill yet, it allows you to constantly cast deadly arts skills against your opponent because it reduces both activation time and recharge time by about 50%.

Some people have avoided this skill because it disables all of your "attack skills." Notice, however, that the deadly arts tree doesn't have "attack skills," it has "spells" (hence this really isn't an issue.)

The best way to use Deadly Paradox I've found is when coupled with inspiration magic. Personally I'm running 16 in deadly arts with 12 in inspiration and then using an inspiration staff.

Some Key Benefits:
1. Constant Poison
2. Constant Hex Degen
3. Constant Cripple
4. Constant Interrupt
5. Decent Spam Damage
6. Spike Potential with sig of toxic shock

Deadly Arts DOES NOT do as much damage as a normal dagger/critical strikes builds, but it offers some really nice versitility especially on the assassin hero. Mine at the moment is an interrupting machine (I threw in some from inspiration magic as well) that removes hexes from my party and still deals decent damage.

Anyways, I don't want to give away my build at this time, but I hope this helps you all start looking in the right direction for making some really fun Deadly Arts builds by using Deadly Paradox It's not just Deadly arts you know. It disables your attack skills, and makes all of your "assassin skills" cast and recharge 50% quicker. Any skill that an assassin has that is not an attack skill is affected by this, no matter the attritube.

I see a cripple spam capability in Shadow Arts.