Weapon mod/inscription Trader
Okay, it used to be managable before when you just had to buy one or two mods from other players, but now that incriptions are added, I think that weapons are getting overly negelicted in the trading department.
When ANet added armor inscriptions, the modified the rune trader to carry armor inscriptions. I say give him a new tab for weapon mods and inscriptions and call him the Mod Trader or something like that.
When ANet added armor inscriptions, the modified the rune trader to carry armor inscriptions. I say give him a new tab for weapon mods and inscriptions and call him the Mod Trader or something like that.
Sparks Dawnbringer
Yes, I think an inscription and upgrade trader would be of great use. It's hard to find what you want and god knows even with creating characters to use as storage I don't have any where near enough space for every thing. And frankly, I get bored trying to buy or sell what I need or want to other players.
The Hand Of Death
No for two reasons:
1. Adding inscriptions will totally ruin the market for gold weapons because now you can buy perfect inscriptions from a trader rather than finding that perfect inscription and adding it to the weapon.
2. Weapon inscriptions are different than armor insignas and runes. They can come in a variety of different "levels" for the same name. If you find a insigna for health it will always have the same statistics. If you find a mod for sundering you can get anywhere from 1-20%, yet for each of these you still have the same name.
1. Adding inscriptions will totally ruin the market for gold weapons because now you can buy perfect inscriptions from a trader rather than finding that perfect inscription and adding it to the weapon.
2. Weapon inscriptions are different than armor insignas and runes. They can come in a variety of different "levels" for the same name. If you find a insigna for health it will always have the same statistics. If you find a mod for sundering you can get anywhere from 1-20%, yet for each of these you still have the same name.
Rod Adams
problem #1 is already happening with people trading inscriptions in town.
problem #2 isn't that bad, since the various mod values can be listed seperately. granted, the list can get a bit long, but I think it could be managable. Especially if the trader didn't stock the lower end ones.
Something I'd definately like to see is an integration of being able to sell anything at a fair value to merchants. For instance, I really get annoyed that when selling off a large loot haul, I have to stop at the merchant, then the rare material trader, then the rune trader, and then the dye trader. I don't really see why all these things couldn't just be seperate tabs off the same guy, or at least have the base merchant buy things at the price the traders would.
problem #2 isn't that bad, since the various mod values can be listed seperately. granted, the list can get a bit long, but I think it could be managable. Especially if the trader didn't stock the lower end ones.
Something I'd definately like to see is an integration of being able to sell anything at a fair value to merchants. For instance, I really get annoyed that when selling off a large loot haul, I have to stop at the merchant, then the rare material trader, then the rune trader, and then the dye trader. I don't really see why all these things couldn't just be seperate tabs off the same guy, or at least have the base merchant buy things at the price the traders would.
Vahn Roi
A mod/upgrade trader has been suggested many many times before.
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by The Hand Of Death
1. Adding inscriptions will totally ruin the market for gold weapons because now you can buy perfect inscriptions from a trader rather than finding that perfect inscription and adding it to the weapon.
also, /signed. I don't know why they don't exist already...
I was about to make a post on this topic but found this thread right before I did.
We really need something like this in Guild Wars. Right now we are basically trying to buy and sell mods, inscriptions, etc by just using the trade chat and hoping we are lucky enough for someone who wants that item to read it at the exact instant. It is a VERY long process sometimes, even if you have low prices because the customers and suppliers must have common interest at that exact moment.
For those who say this type of trader will ruin the market, think about how it is for items who have a trader. Are rare dyes not expensive? Aren't some runes very expensive still? A very rare weapon mod or insignia will still retain a high value through NPC traders in the same way.
I know that I personally would like to have this in game because GW still doesn't have a good system for trading anything yet and this would be a step towards that. Sure, players can still spend as long as they want to get a little extra out of selling their items, but I would rather be able to sell my stash quickly and get back to playing the game. Heck, I wouldn't be fully opposed to unique items traded in this fashion because they likely wouldn't be in stock often since the traders operate on how many players sell to them, but it would at least be a quicker option for buying or selling.
We really need something like this in Guild Wars. Right now we are basically trying to buy and sell mods, inscriptions, etc by just using the trade chat and hoping we are lucky enough for someone who wants that item to read it at the exact instant. It is a VERY long process sometimes, even if you have low prices because the customers and suppliers must have common interest at that exact moment.
For those who say this type of trader will ruin the market, think about how it is for items who have a trader. Are rare dyes not expensive? Aren't some runes very expensive still? A very rare weapon mod or insignia will still retain a high value through NPC traders in the same way.
I know that I personally would like to have this in game because GW still doesn't have a good system for trading anything yet and this would be a step towards that. Sure, players can still spend as long as they want to get a little extra out of selling their items, but I would rather be able to sell my stash quickly and get back to playing the game. Heck, I wouldn't be fully opposed to unique items traded in this fashion because they likely wouldn't be in stock often since the traders operate on how many players sell to them, but it would at least be a quicker option for buying or selling.
Sir Webley: I'm using Rebirth on Old Thread
Sorry for that.
I like the idea of an Inscription trader, but maybe it should only be available in Elona?
Like the above poster said (and we all know) Traders only resell what they have been sold, so I doubt this would have a great effect on the market in relation to rare/high end inscriptions. I see this working in much the same way as Rune Traders.
It would be nice to at least get a bit of money quickly selling to a trader rather than wasting time spamming WTS.
Sorry for that.
I like the idea of an Inscription trader, but maybe it should only be available in Elona?
Like the above poster said (and we all know) Traders only resell what they have been sold, so I doubt this would have a great effect on the market in relation to rare/high end inscriptions. I see this working in much the same way as Rune Traders.
It would be nice to at least get a bit of money quickly selling to a trader rather than wasting time spamming WTS.
And with the inclusion of inscriptions, it is needed even more:
Weapon mods/upgrades traders, like we have dye traders and the like.
Why? So you don't have to hop from town to town spamming that you'd like to buy or sell off your mods. Also, it helps to set a consistent price, determined by the gaming community, like dye, runes and materials.
I do not see how this is a bad idea. Personally, I hate trying to sell off an item for the prices listed in the price guide of this site to get mocked because they are out of date. How am I supposed to know this? I do not trade often. I hate trading. I just want to dump my items so I can spend my time playing, not sitting in town hoping someone will finally buy what I am trying to sell.
I already sell everything like dyes and runes directly to traders, as, like I have mentioned previously, I don't have the patience to sit in town and try to get rid of things to players. Those who like to trade with people directly would still be able to sell to other players for more than the trader would give them, and those wishing to buy them could buy them from players for less than the trader would sell them. Everyone benefits.
Weapon mods/upgrades traders, like we have dye traders and the like.
Why? So you don't have to hop from town to town spamming that you'd like to buy or sell off your mods. Also, it helps to set a consistent price, determined by the gaming community, like dye, runes and materials.
I do not see how this is a bad idea. Personally, I hate trying to sell off an item for the prices listed in the price guide of this site to get mocked because they are out of date. How am I supposed to know this? I do not trade often. I hate trading. I just want to dump my items so I can spend my time playing, not sitting in town hoping someone will finally buy what I am trying to sell.
I already sell everything like dyes and runes directly to traders, as, like I have mentioned previously, I don't have the patience to sit in town and try to get rid of things to players. Those who like to trade with people directly would still be able to sell to other players for more than the trader would give them, and those wishing to buy them could buy them from players for less than the trader would sell them. Everyone benefits.
I'd say ANET should only stock the max stat mods/inscriptions because almost all of the non-max ones will stay at the minimum price with everybody buying the better ones (for instance would you buy a 13^50 when 15^50's are available ?). And since no-one will want to buy non-max ones, having them listed is just adding clutter.
There will be the minor problem of getting the trader stocked up, but that will get fixed in time. Personally I have one of the tabs in my storage filled with max quality weapon mods and inscriptions. To help the GW community I will dump these all onto the trader ASAP after such a trader goes live.
If anyone at ANET wants to check what items are there, my IGN is Meemo Of Athe so you can use your dev tools to take a look. The mods not in the tab with the rest, or on my characters, are being saved for my personal use so they won't get dumped.
There will be the minor problem of getting the trader stocked up, but that will get fixed in time. Personally I have one of the tabs in my storage filled with max quality weapon mods and inscriptions. To help the GW community I will dump these all onto the trader ASAP after such a trader goes live.
If anyone at ANET wants to check what items are there, my IGN is Meemo Of Athe so you can use your dev tools to take a look. The mods not in the tab with the rest, or on my characters, are being saved for my personal use so they won't get dumped.
Dervish Warrior
change heading someone.....
I like BR's version a little more. Still something like this needs to be implemented.
I totally agree with the op. You have to spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to sell perfect mods for even half of the prices in sticky. A mod trader is a wonderful idea. I have been trying to sell 50+ mods for close to a year now (mostly because i am constantly aquiring new mods)-all perfect at half or near half of the stickied prices and am tired of having my entire storage FULL of mods. I would not hesitate to go straight to the mod trader and sell them all off.
Yup. The three things GW currently need are shop stalls, worldwide inscriptions, and weapon/offhand upgrade traders.
This is one of them. The only problem with upgrades is that they have no fied values like runes. They are very variable. So... I think the best way to go around this would be this one:
- Base price: Upgrades will have sell/buy values based on upgrades sold to them. Just like other traders. The base price will be for a PERFECT upgrade. That is, upgrades with a maximum possible value.
- Selling. Traders will pay a proportional price of the base price. If you sell a 14^50%, you'll get less cash than selling a 15^50%. But the game will consider a X^50% added.
- Buying. Only perfect upgrades would be sold. They would be listed exactly as they are in the Balthazar priests.
That way I think it should work correctly.
This is one of them. The only problem with upgrades is that they have no fied values like runes. They are very variable. So... I think the best way to go around this would be this one:
- Base price: Upgrades will have sell/buy values based on upgrades sold to them. Just like other traders. The base price will be for a PERFECT upgrade. That is, upgrades with a maximum possible value.
- Selling. Traders will pay a proportional price of the base price. If you sell a 14^50%, you'll get less cash than selling a 15^50%. But the game will consider a X^50% added.
- Buying. Only perfect upgrades would be sold. They would be listed exactly as they are in the Balthazar priests.
That way I think it should work correctly.
It's better than watching party search for hours on end.
It's better than watching party search for hours on end.
Red Sonya
/absolutely NOT /unsigned /never
One of the ideas and purpose of inscriptions was to be able to have more things to trade/sell amongst one another. An excellent idea and it puts the fun back in adventuring again looking for specific ones. Like me now I need or want a +10 vs slashing focus mod and if I could just walk up to an NPC and buy it it wouldn't be fun working for it or adventuring for it or bartering for it in towns.
Now of course you are going to say well just don't buy it from NPC vendors. But, you need to realise that everyone would start dumping these into the NPC vendors and nobody would be selling them anymore. That's the fun of bartering and looking for your items that NPC's don't have EVERY flippin item in the game for sale.
nosireebobtater don't ever do this Anet or you'll lose a mass of people
/unsigned /unsigned /unsigned.
One of the ideas and purpose of inscriptions was to be able to have more things to trade/sell amongst one another. An excellent idea and it puts the fun back in adventuring again looking for specific ones. Like me now I need or want a +10 vs slashing focus mod and if I could just walk up to an NPC and buy it it wouldn't be fun working for it or adventuring for it or bartering for it in towns.
Now of course you are going to say well just don't buy it from NPC vendors. But, you need to realise that everyone would start dumping these into the NPC vendors and nobody would be selling them anymore. That's the fun of bartering and looking for your items that NPC's don't have EVERY flippin item in the game for sale.
nosireebobtater don't ever do this Anet or you'll lose a mass of people
/unsigned /unsigned /unsigned.

wu is me
theres a rune trader and ppl still trade sup runes =P, i think the wep mod npc would be alright.
Holly Herro
I'm not sure actually.
It just doesn't seem right selling ONLY perfect mods :\ it's like going to the rune trader and there's only superior runes.
It just doesn't seem right selling ONLY perfect mods :\ it's like going to the rune trader and there's only superior runes.
Originally Posted by Dervish Warrior
change heading someone.....
And to everyone who is just posting with "/signed" - this is against forum guidelines. Please remember to state why you are for or against this idea.
Drakken Breathes Fire
This is a much more conventient and effective way of locating and purchasing necessary mods at a fair rate. It's long over due too, we clearly have traders for nearly everything else. Runes, materials, rare materials..
It'd be nice to be looking to buy specific inscriptions without having to hop from disctrict to district spamming 'WTB' and HOPING to get lucky.
(Or having to pray one drops and it is as close to perfect as possible.)
This is a much more conventient and effective way of locating and purchasing necessary mods at a fair rate. It's long over due too, we clearly have traders for nearly everything else. Runes, materials, rare materials..
It'd be nice to be looking to buy specific inscriptions without having to hop from disctrict to district spamming 'WTB' and HOPING to get lucky.
(Or having to pray one drops and it is as close to perfect as possible.)
Mods and inscriptions are the last obstacle to reasonable access to all equipment to all players. It should have been here a long time ago.
The amount of time it takes to sell mods has made me give up even keeping them. A mod trader would vastly help my cash flow.
The amount of time it takes to sell mods has made me give up even keeping them. A mod trader would vastly help my cash flow.
I don't have time to look for someone who's selling/buying mods I need/have
btw: why do retards do this /signed or /unsigned thing more than one time? They think they're more important?
I don't have time to look for someone who's selling/buying mods I need/have
btw: why do retards do this /signed or /unsigned thing more than one time? They think they're more important?
The Legg
Great idea and it should have been implemented long ago. The heartache that is the gw trading system should be avaoided as much as possible.
Great idea and it should have been implemented long ago. The heartache that is the gw trading system should be avaoided as much as possible.
There are a lot of unpopular max mods out there, and hanging around in trade chat for hours just to find the one person who does x-mod. A mod trader would be fantastic. A trader would also keep prices at a steady value.
There are a lot of unpopular max mods out there, and hanging around in trade chat for hours just to find the one person who does x-mod. A mod trader would be fantastic. A trader would also keep prices at a steady value.
The Meth
Originally Posted by Red Sonya
/absolutely NOT /unsigned /never
One of the ideas and purpose of inscriptions was to be able to have more things to trade/sell amongst one another. An excellent idea and it puts the fun back in adventuring again looking for specific ones. Like me now I need or want a +10 vs slashing focus mod and if I could just walk up to an NPC and buy it it wouldn't be fun working for it or adventuring for it or bartering for it in towns. Now of course you are going to say well just don't buy it from NPC vendors. But, you need to realise that everyone would start dumping these into the NPC vendors and nobody would be selling them anymore. That's the fun of bartering and looking for your items that NPC's don't have EVERY flippin item in the game for sale. nosireebobtater don't ever do this Anet or you'll lose a mass of people /unsigned /unsigned /unsigned. ![]() |
Its so very hard trying to get any mod thats not sundering or fortitude.
The only problem I see with this is that the prices will probably plummet. I sell tons of things to merchant just because I can't be bothered to waste an hour selling to players just for 10k max. Assuming I'm not the only person like this, there would be a much greater influx of mods and everything would end up being very very cheap.
Pyro maniac
donno, the WTB mods take me less then 2 minutes on average, the WTS are a lot harder
if this is implented, alot of people will dump their weapon mods, where the average price of 15^50 and +5 energy mods go under 1k.
Then there will be more QQ threads about people who can't make money anymore, since everything is worthless.
if this is implented, alot of people will dump their weapon mods, where the average price of 15^50 and +5 energy mods go under 1k.
Then there will be more QQ threads about people who can't make money anymore, since everything is worthless.
The money is made selling weapons and rare items, not mods.
The sooner it's done, the better.
On top of that, drops rates could be changed, since traders would make stuff more available, so the rare mods become a bit more rare. And people can also get cash by directly selling them but wasting time sittin in the outposts, like with runes.
The sooner it's done, the better.
On top of that, drops rates could be changed, since traders would make stuff more available, so the rare mods become a bit more rare. And people can also get cash by directly selling them but wasting time sittin in the outposts, like with runes.
i've always hated spamming and trading
selling is my job i don't want to bring it ingame!!where i'm supposed to have fun!
those who still want to sell for higher prices can still spam away!
i've always hated spamming and trading
selling is my job i don't want to bring it ingame!!where i'm supposed to have fun!
those who still want to sell for higher prices can still spam away!
Onyx Blindbow
The ability to buy and sell mods to a specific NPC makes sense
The ability to buy and sell mods to a specific NPC makes sense
Caged Fury
I'm not much of a WTB/WTS person. Alot of the max mods I find I tend to use on my own weapons or for my heroes. If I can't make use of it, I give to guildies or sell to merchant. There are some mods I've never encountered during my travels/farms or even in the Trade chat. I'd like to be able to just buy them quickly from a npc, fit it to a weapon and carry on doing with whatever.
I'm not much of a WTB/WTS person. Alot of the max mods I find I tend to use on my own weapons or for my heroes. If I can't make use of it, I give to guildies or sell to merchant. There are some mods I've never encountered during my travels/farms or even in the Trade chat. I'd like to be able to just buy them quickly from a npc, fit it to a weapon and carry on doing with whatever.
Buying normal mod's (like 15^50, +30 hp, +5e etc.) is quite easy, but if I need something like a 20% vs Dragons mod (drakes count as dragons) it is near to impossible to get. Selling mod's usually takes ages for me, don't like wasting time selling stuff. My whole storage is full with max-weapon mod's I can't sell.
Buying normal mod's (like 15^50, +30 hp, +5e etc.) is quite easy, but if I need something like a 20% vs Dragons mod (drakes count as dragons) it is near to impossible to get. Selling mod's usually takes ages for me, don't like wasting time selling stuff. My whole storage is full with max-weapon mod's I can't sell.
Rehnahvah Gahro
Well no matter how hard I tried and looked in Sticky Sardelac Sanatorium, I couldn't find this thread until a mod pointed me here... this is no thread necromancy, I wanted to Rebirth it ^^. So I'll add most of my text here.
IMHO it would be the most efficient way to include that kind of NPC. It would work just like the Material Trader, Rare Material Trader, Rune Trader, Rare Scroll Trader etc.: All possible Upgrades/Inscriptions with all possible stats (from 11^50 to 15^50, from Sundering 20/10 to Sundering 20/20) with the ability of sold out items, just like other Trader NPCs.
I see no reason whatsoever why such an NPC should not exist.
To list some of the major Pros:
- It takes a lot of pressure off the trade channel
- It will solve the storage problem for hundreds of thousands
- It will take less than 10 seconds to find your preferred upgrades without standing hours in outposts spamming WTBWTBWTB
- The casual gamer has a chance to buy 20/19 instead of 20/20 if he wants to, in order to save a lot of money without having a major disadvantage.
- After a short time we will have more or less stable prices, just like other merchants
- It will take money out of the game (and according to Anet this is a good thing)
And to Anet: If you are not including / never wanted to include such a Trader NPC for a reason, then please name that reason.
IMHO it would be the most efficient way to include that kind of NPC. It would work just like the Material Trader, Rare Material Trader, Rune Trader, Rare Scroll Trader etc.: All possible Upgrades/Inscriptions with all possible stats (from 11^50 to 15^50, from Sundering 20/10 to Sundering 20/20) with the ability of sold out items, just like other Trader NPCs.
I see no reason whatsoever why such an NPC should not exist.
To list some of the major Pros:
- It takes a lot of pressure off the trade channel
- It will solve the storage problem for hundreds of thousands
- It will take less than 10 seconds to find your preferred upgrades without standing hours in outposts spamming WTBWTBWTB
- The casual gamer has a chance to buy 20/19 instead of 20/20 if he wants to, in order to save a lot of money without having a major disadvantage.
- After a short time we will have more or less stable prices, just like other merchants
- It will take money out of the game (and according to Anet this is a good thing)
And to Anet: If you are not including / never wanted to include such a Trader NPC for a reason, then please name that reason.
/signed for inscription/mod trader. It would be very helpful and make finding what you are looking for a lot easier. Plus some people have trouble keeping up with all the prices this would help keep some from being ripped off.
~the rat~
~the rat~
Drakken Breathes Fire
*plays 'Cry Me a River' by Justin Timberlake for all opposed.*
There's no f*cking economy to begin with. You have no rational arguement against this. People still sell runes amongst each other, yet there's a rune merchant. People still sell materials amongst each other, yet there's a materials merchant. Dont even get me started on dyes. You're just upset that other people will be able to have what you have and we don't want to have to talk to you losers to get them, or to sell ours to the likes of you. (Least of all spend 5 hours of our lives spamming WTS//WTB just to try.)
Yes this has been brought up before, and it keeps coming back. (Maybe because people really want it?)http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10195831
Yes, it should already have been implemented, but nobody's bothered speaking up and posting for or against.
Sign in the petition I linked to if you're for or against. Lets try to get these gears ACTUALLY in motion for a change.
And for all the nay-sayers; come up with a better arguement please, we've heard all your 'new ideas' before too.
In case you haven't noticed. I'm very much FOR this idea.
There's no f*cking economy to begin with. You have no rational arguement against this. People still sell runes amongst each other, yet there's a rune merchant. People still sell materials amongst each other, yet there's a materials merchant. Dont even get me started on dyes. You're just upset that other people will be able to have what you have and we don't want to have to talk to you losers to get them, or to sell ours to the likes of you. (Least of all spend 5 hours of our lives spamming WTS//WTB just to try.)
Yes this has been brought up before, and it keeps coming back. (Maybe because people really want it?)http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10195831
Yes, it should already have been implemented, but nobody's bothered speaking up and posting for or against.
Sign in the petition I linked to if you're for or against. Lets try to get these gears ACTUALLY in motion for a change.
And for all the nay-sayers; come up with a better arguement please, we've heard all your 'new ideas' before too.
In case you haven't noticed. I'm very much FOR this idea.
I am definitely all for this.
I am completely perplexed as to why this still hasn't been implemented. Trading is boring, frustrating, and wastes time that could be better spent playing. Plus, it is THE best way to keep a steady, determined value for these items. Sorry, I don't like trying to sell my stuff for the guildwarsguru.com prices and getting asked if I am serious, as there is no other way for me to find the value of the items. I am not a big trader who sits around for hours trying to find out what's worth what gleaned solely from people's WTS/WTB messages in the search/chat function.
I am completely perplexed as to why this still hasn't been implemented. Trading is boring, frustrating, and wastes time that could be better spent playing. Plus, it is THE best way to keep a steady, determined value for these items. Sorry, I don't like trying to sell my stuff for the guildwarsguru.com prices and getting asked if I am serious, as there is no other way for me to find the value of the items. I am not a big trader who sits around for hours trying to find out what's worth what gleaned solely from people's WTS/WTB messages in the search/chat function.
Solveig Ikram
/Signed for all the right reasons.
My number one reason why I think this would be great is to use the NPC as pricecheck guide, same as the rare material trader to get a buy/sell price for ectos and such.
My number one reason why I think this would be great is to use the NPC as pricecheck guide, same as the rare material trader to get a buy/sell price for ectos and such.
Originally Posted by Holly Herro
I'm not sure actually.
It just doesn't seem right selling ONLY perfect mods :\ it's like going to the rune trader and there's only superior runes. |
Back in the 60-75 k Sundering 20/20 sword mod days I would say no, but since the crash I would say Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, since people seem so intent on bumping threads on topics which are currently being discussed on Page 1 of Sardelac: