Originally Posted by Chewbacca Defense
Peppermint shield is handy for pvp. 10AL with a +5e/+5 AL sword will give a caster 75AL base - which is nice. Also, lowers your e levels which is great to guard against e-denial builds.
Sure shields are great for casters. However, the correct comparison is between this 10AL shield vs. an 8AL shield with 30HP and -5 physical damage absorption 20% of the time. Of course, the latter wins.
Originally Posted by i8work
Gotta love the elitest pvpers... moaning cos they cant just show of their candy cane swords as a badge of honour... hint, you already have that, just show your chumpionship points.
GG anet, Its nice that pvpers and pvers have the chance to get some goodies.
I think you're misunderstanding. The main problem for most PvP players with this tournament & reward system is not that the PvE players can get the same items. Rather, it's that the items themselves are all but useless in PvP.
Sure it's fun to give 'goodies' to PvPers too, but that should supplement some sort of actual desirable reward...
Originally Posted by KiyaKoreena
Like it was mentioned before just because they are not max damage does not mean they are useless. They have NO req. Anyone can use them and get fair damage out of them. Plus they are cute. :-)
The main thing is that unless I'm mistaken, these are only slightly better than if you were to use a max item even without meeting the requirement. That is to say, the way the game works, if you don't meet the req., you still do a portion (somewhere around half unless I'm mistaken) of the listed damage/whatever, and the max item will actually have useful inherent bonuses/mods.