best place to farm for golds
ok im going for max wisdom title and i wanted to no the best way to farm for golds i dont care if they are not max damage or not.. anyone no the answer
With the changes to the loot system ie: are probly better off farming them in towns for 1k each or so.
Any high end area where you can kill lotsa critters solo?
ok thx
Xenex Xclame
Well yes like they said any high end area, but as also been said due to the new update i think it is indeed best to buy unid golds at 1K , considering high end chest are 650+ and you have no guarantee now, person one opening a chest and it being gold, will no longer be gold to all that open after.
So its either, risk on chest that are 650+ or buy for sure at 1K.
Each side has it advantage and disadvantage.
Risking , you could always find a good purple that you can upgrade, you can also find 100 purple and not a single gold , so your title doesnt move.
Buy unid for 1K yes its more expensive on single , but it may be more money saving in the long run, but most of the time you wont get a decent unid cause it been tested.
So its either, risk on chest that are 650+ or buy for sure at 1K.
Each side has it advantage and disadvantage.
Risking , you could always find a good purple that you can upgrade, you can also find 100 purple and not a single gold , so your title doesnt move.
Buy unid for 1K yes its more expensive on single , but it may be more money saving in the long run, but most of the time you wont get a decent unid cause it been tested.