Improved Shadowing?

Keilious Ahruhk

Keilious Ahruhk

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Venatio Illuminata [VEIL]


I'll start off by saying I was very impressed by the appearance of everything in elona. It was apparantly the developer's goal to make players appreciate the beauty of the place, and they succeeded.

I was particularly surprised by the fact that they added proper pixel shaders. While these aren't used as frequently as they could be, they do add quite a bit to the game. The appearance of rock beetles in particular is vastly improved by the shinyness of their carapaces.

So, onto the point at hand, do you think we'll ever see an upgrade to the shadowing system? I'm not exactly an expert on the matter, but I realise it would probably take a good deal more time than implementing shaders, and I'd most certainly appreciate self shadowing one day, or at least some features to make use of more powerful GPUs.

I realise that there "R BIGGAR PORBLEMS IN GW!!11!STFU GAMEPLAY>GRAFIX!!1", but seeing as they do have people employed to continously upgrade the engine, I'm wondering whether we'll see the graphics engine continue to improve, or just pretty much remain the same until an eventual "Guild Wars II".