Being the non-nightfall player that I am, I recently discovered that the enemies outside of bergen hot springs drop excesively decayed orr emblems, runes of various sorts, and gold dead bows. My question is: does the enemy you are fighting associate to the kind of runes and rare drops you get?
For example, if I were to fight a bunch of low lvl char, would I have the same chances of getting superior runes as I would from kryta skeletons? Or can I get superior runes at all from skeletons? Any help or guidance would be great!
Another day, another question ^_^
all golds should have equal chance of finding that rare mod or rune i think
Canadian Bacon
Gold armors (therfore superior runes) don't stat dropping until the Yak's Bend area. Anything after that can drop a superior rune, regardless of what dropped the armor.
Same with weapon mods.
As for the actual item that drops, that can be affected by the type of enemy. Obviously Dead Bows are dropped by skeletons, it just makes sense. Similarily, Mursaat will drop Mursaat Hammers and Bows.
Same with weapon mods.
As for the actual item that drops, that can be affected by the type of enemy. Obviously Dead Bows are dropped by skeletons, it just makes sense. Similarily, Mursaat will drop Mursaat Hammers and Bows.
Originally Posted by Awesome_Sauce
I recently discovered that the enemies outside of bergen hot springs drop excesively decayed orr emblems, runes of various sorts, and gold dead bows. My question is: does the enemy you are fighting associate to the kind of runes and rare drops you get?
As for the gold items question, that gets harder.
Many of us (myself included) think that some enemies drop gold/purple armors more often than others. I have never done a study - I'm too lazy - but the ettins in that area (North Kryta province and outside of Nebo Terrace) seem to drop more gold/purple armors. While it used to not be that way, now all gold armors have a superior rune, all purple a major, and all blue a minor no matter where you got it. I pretty much never get anything but blues on lower level enemies - however since it is random I can not say if that is just me or a bias in the system.
Then you have gold/purple weapons. I do not know the rate of drops - again I feel higher leveled enemies do more and have a few mobs (like armor with the ettins) that I think do better than normal. But in this case level does matter. For the most part in this game anything other than max is almost worthless, it is VERY rare those skeletons will drop a max anything (though my axe warrior can assure you they sometimes do, his axe is from there - that was my first farming spot). Just go kill things around ascalon and compare. An Ascalon gold may have 5-10 damage if it is great, if you get that drop outside Bergen that low you are *really* unlucky. I do not know of any place that has done an in-depth study on this so it is hard to say what damage range to expect.
For the most part that area is going to be all merchant stuff. If you are happy playing there (I now I enjoy killing those skeletons) be happy. Unless you are farming Fissure of Woe, The Underworld, Sorrows Furnace, or high value green weapons just have fun (I detest high level farming, boring as possible to me). Unless you are farming those areas you are best off just doing what you enjoy as the difference in money/hour is irrelevant and you are more likely to spend a few hours on something you enjoy than something that is a chore.