Hero Koss is disabled in Chahbek Village Mission


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Nano Bugs



Have a little confusion here.
I tried to go Chahbek Village Mission, but the NPC guy said without Koss, he wont let me in.
But Koss is unable to add into my party and I dont know why.

Does anybody help me to clarify on that?




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


You may be at the point in the game where you have to go rescue Koss...until you do, you can't use him...check your log



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



Chahbek Village is the first mission of the game; you should see a box under your character's name that says Add Hero. Click that and select Koss. It's a bit difficult to tell you how without a screenshot.. so..



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


yea you got to rescue Koss first. However.... there is a reported bug currently dealing with this if you want to use it...

go to your guild hall. Add koss to your party from there and click leave guild hall. This will take you back to where you were and still have Koss in your party. Even though you have not rescued him yet.

Keep in mind YOU WILL need to rescue him eventually or you will get stuck in Kourna... so might as well do it. but that's a quick way around the problem if you want to use him for a while, and level him up. Certainly helps considering how low level he is at the beginnning...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Nano Bugs


Thanks for all replies!!!

However, I still can't add Koss. In earlier stages, I can make use of Koss until I did one quest which is able to add Melonni to my party. After that quest I can't add Koss anymore. His name is in the party list but it is darken compared to other heroes' names. And I cant add him also. How can I make Koss alive???

Do advice!!!!
Once again, thanks!