I know there have been threads made about this topic; I've looked through them and none of the content within them have answered my dilemma, which is mainly this:
I bought GW: Prophecies for a friend of mine in Australia about a year ago from Amazon. I mailed it to her, etc. etc. She registered for the American districts (I don't know if this information would help) and I've played with her online a few times. She hasn't been able to play GW for a long while, but she's been wanting to pick it back up.
Now, she tried logging on to her account and it says the e-mail she's using isn't associated with the account. She's certain the e-mail she's using is the one she entered for her GW account, and she's tried other possible e-mail accounts and password combinations, capslock, everything. Nothing helped.
She's sent a request to the GW support desk, but the problem is they want her to mail the original access key AND purchase receipt to the US office. And that's a bit too much trouble seeing that she 1) doesn't have the receipt (and nor do I), and 2) would have to mail international.
So.. what can we do to get my Australian friend her account back? D: Thanks in advance.
Forgot Account E-mail
Knightsaber Sith
If she's absolutely sure that was the email she used; either she changed it and forgot or it got hacked and that person changed it. If you don't have the stuff to send in I don't think there's anything she could do.
As far as her E-Mail address goes once you use one it is ocked into the account and cannot be changed. Best advice that I can do is yall may have to bite the bullet and get a new copy, or try to log into her master account at NC-Soft her info will be there if she remembers that. If she can get into her master account then she will be able to enter the access key there, then retriee her password that wa, if the original e-mail addresss she use is active. Hope this helps out.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Oh.. she has the CD Key, though. So still no? I don't think she could have been hacked because she didn't play much to begin with. I don't think she was even out of pre-Searing yet.
Gosh. >< Thanks for the reply, though.
Gosh. >< Thanks for the reply, though.
Try sending them just the CD-key. Explain that the receipt has been lost or disguarded. Give them as much info as possible that you can. Store purchased from, date of purchase, location of store. You won't be any less off than you are now. Best case senerio will be that she will get the required info to continue playing such a fun game.
Hmm that's weird. I coulda sworn I changed the email address on my GW account, then changed it back.
Knightsaber Sith
You used to be able to change the email address before they added the ingame store.
Hmm. I'd like to be able to do that again. But that's okay.
Okay. I shared with her what was said here. I'll keep checking back, but thanks a lot for the help, guys, and wish us luck on trying to get her account back. <3