Changing Email Adress & Confirmation Email
So my friend at work doesn't play Guild Wars anymore.
SO he finally broke down and sold me his copy. Now, I changed the email adress to a hotmail adress of my own. Problem is, he's already received and clicked the confirmation email (I've seen it with my own eyes), but I have yet to get my confirmation email (it's been over a week!). Is it possible that hotmail "ate" the confirmation email? I know it has done it to a couple forums that I use, but this is a GW account, should it matter? Has anyone else had this problem? I even tried entering in a different email adress and it tells me that the email was recently changed and I should wait a few minutes before trying again. A few minutes? I've waited more than a few days. Still nothing but the same message. Now I can still access my buddies account and play his characters and move stuff around. Hell I've even gotten around to trading the bone dragon he had to one of my main account characters. But I still cannot change the email. I can trust this guy enough to know that he will not do anything if I start using his characters to carry my stuff. But on that same note, I'm a little anal retentive when it comes to the secrecy of my accounts and passwords. Any help would be appreciated.

Warrior Of The Toon
Well when I tried to change my registered email address I didn't get the email to my old hotmail address
Not in junk mail or filtered in anyway that I know of, the other one did come through though.

When I changed mine I also only received one email. It worked, however. Try logging on with the new email address.
Well, I finally got the option to change the email addy again and I changed it to a yahoo addy instead of a hotmail addy. Got the reply in maybe 1 min, with all changes to addy and password complete within a total of maybe 2 minutes. So, word to the wise - Don't Use A Hotmail Addy for your account. Hotmail, will eat your confirmation email, crap it out, and not even let you know it was there. Just like a little fat kid finding a nice juicy candy on the table.