Need fighting tips for D/Mo


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

House DarkMoon


Well i am a level 8 D/mo and i am constantly dieing in the field quite regularily....
I was wodnering if there were any really good skills line up (not a build) that i could use to take them down but to also stay alive. I am on noob island of Elona.
Any help is appreciated.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


Mystic Reneal and Mystic Regeneration. Very very helpful. Pack a lot of enchants nd a few good scythe attacks and you'll heal for gernally more damage than you take.

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Well, I avoided using my Secondary until I reached about level 18.
Buy new armour as an when it becomes available.
Avoid Master Quests and focus on the standard ones.
If you are Henching it, take Koss and a Monk Hero set to Healing.

(I was on a roll with Survivor until about L11 - unexpected mob - and even afterward, I still didn't die very often)

[EDIT]Also, sneak to Tyria and Cantha when you can if you have access to those continents as sometimes their skills can prove to be a great help (I popped to Tryia to get Physical and Elemental Resistance, for example)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

I have a lvl 20 dervish, only used hench and heroes. I take 2 monk heroes, koss, holy, motivation, fire, and monk hench. You need to make your hero's build as efficient as your own to be effective. Use common sense. You probably do not have the highest armour, go in 2nd or 3rd. Level up faster by doing quests before attempting missions.

My skillbar, from the top of my head..

Faithful Intervention.
Balthazar's **** [PBAOE, fire when it ends, forget name.]
************ [PBAOE, gives energy when it ends.]
Chilling Victory.
Atacker's Insight.
Reaper's sweep.
Pious Assault. Or Strike. Something. [Ends enchant, deals +dmg]
Rebirth/ Rebirth sig.

Use wisely, think aboyut which ench to remove and when.

Lvl 20 Att's.

12 + 1 + 3 Scythe Mastery
12 Mythiscism
3 or 4 Wind Prayers.

Should work like a charm

Tookis Elite

Tookis Elite


Join Date: Jan 2006

Chuck Norris Is The Only True [God]


me also being a lvl 8 dervish i find myself solo farming a lot of the noob island already

just pump up ur scythe mastery and load ur extras into mystisism and then the left-overs from that into earth prayers

yes i know u asked for no skill bars but this is what i use and i consider myself invincible against **most** mobs.

twin moon sweep
victorious sweep
irresistable sweep
balthazars rage
zealous renewal
heart of holy flame
vital boon
res sig (yes i bring a res cuz this build works well with heroes/groups too)

just pump up ur enchants and rip em back off using twin moon sweep and irresistable sweep, which will heal u and buff ur attacks. also victourious sweep will heal you when you hit an enemy with lower health then you, which they should be at after a twin moon sweep.

if u dont have all those just bring enchants and things to strip off ur enchants and heal while doing so, and maybe bring faithful intervention.

that is a lot of healing there and a lot of damage too