Onyx Gemstone




Join Date: Nov 2006

in between GW2 servers


Holy crap! I haven't seen any of these since the first time they introduced traders! I thought they were removed from the game Someone who bought tons of them must've logged in after ages of not playing, and sold a few. Funny part is nothing I've killed in prophecies (back then) has ever dropped one for me. I beleive they don't actually drop but were sold out after material traders were added in like a week. Hence the reason almost noone knows about them or remembers seeing them. Wish I hadn't sold the 3 I had so many months ago which I bought for 900g each without knowing what they did cause I was bored lol. I do find it strange how they still exist but don't have a slot in material storage. /confused

Shantel Span

Shantel Span

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Knights of King Thorn [Mad]


Originally Posted by I MP I
Holy crap! I haven't seen any of these since the first time they introduced traders! I thought they were removed from the game Someone who bought tons of them must've logged in after ages of not playing, and sold a few. Funny part is nothing I've killed in prophecies (back then) has ever dropped one for me. I beleive they don't actually drop but were sold out after material traders were added in like a week. Hence the reason almost noone knows about them or remembers seeing them. Wish I hadn't sold the 3 I had so many months ago which I bought for 900g each without knowing what they did cause I was bored lol. I do find it strange how they still exist but don't have a slot in material storage. /confused
Can ya give us more information on that? Were they Material-Trader-only buys during the first week, or did they actually come from drops? Might add it to the wiki.




Join Date: Nov 2006

in between GW2 servers


As far as I know, they have never dropped from any enemy and were only available through the rare material trader. When they sold out after that week that was the last I saw of them (thought they were removed) until I came upon this thread. The three that I had were sold in august 05 after I got my first Fissure armor for my ele and realized they didn't have a use. Though after selling them, they didn't appear in the traders stock but he did give me a whopping 250g for each of them. lol

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

thats so mysterious!

as far as i know those have nothing to do with DoA, FoW, UW...

maby Ch 4 will have some FOW of its own with those gems used instead of ectos?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



This is obviously for ch4. In ch4 we're going to throw these things at gwen's head so she'll finally shut up about items that she can get herself 2 feet away from her.




Seriously though, nice find! Kind of inbarrissing that I never heard of these things after all these hours playing.