Ok..I need to choose a secondry profession for my Paragon..any ideas what be good ?
My Dervish has Monk secondry, so I would like something else for my paragon.
Whats a good secondry for Paragon ?
Dr Wu
I like warrior, for "Watch Yourself!" and "Shields Up!".
Family Draconis
Warrior is always good for the defensive shouts and the like that they have. Mesmer is always a good secondary for any caster. I might even try a Ranger secondary for some of their projectile based attacks and nature spirits.
Using primarily paragon skills, anything which can keep your echo's re-applying is a bonus. Low cost, low maintenance warrior shouts being perfect.
Have tried a few other combo's but nothing comes close to a zero tactics "watch yourself" for keeping echo's up and as the two profs are adrenaline based, it's not that hard to keep running.
Have tried a few other combo's but nothing comes close to a zero tactics "watch yourself" for keeping echo's up and as the two profs are adrenaline based, it's not that hard to keep running.
Dr Wu
A warrior seems to be the favorite...
A warrior seems to be the favorite...