Ok, this will lay out the bug i have found. As we all know heroes will not maintain enchantments unless you disable them and cast them yourself from the interface.
I disabled the enchantment in the interface and then cast lifebond on Koss and myself, then i cast Essence bond on the Dunkoro. I have Dunkoro set to avoid combat so he kinda stays out of the way. Anyway i noticed that Dunkoro's life bar never budged even though both Koss and myself were taking lots of damage. So i got my brother to log on and join my group. I repeated the above including my brother with Lifebond etc.
I have kicked Koss out of the group and its just my bro myself and Dunkoro.
We then go stand in the middle of mobs that aggro and not attack just let them hit us. His life bar never moves, so i open his interface and start spamming Reversal of fortune and Protection on himself just to burn power. He should be gaining power everytime me and my bro take damage but he isnt.
Suffice to say Lifebonding Heroes DO NOTHING. There is something totally wrong with it. Now it is possible that the mobs werent doing enough damage to us cut in half to actually move his life bar...BUT even if that is the case he is not gaining any power buy eating half the damage. If someone else could test on even more damaging mobs please do and post if you find something wrong with it.
Bonding Heroes..NOT BONDING.