Well i have one problem in game for which i can't find a solution. I need to get into Garden of Seborhin for some skill cap but when i enter the gate i always apear in Nigthfallen Garden. I have done both mission Jennur's Horde and Ronjok in danger but still i have only access to Nightfallen Garden? Do i need finnish some other quest or something? If you know the answer on this please respond!
Regards, David.
Nigthfallen Garden problem?
Finish the game. And you'll see.
Oh my, this is a spoiler too.
Oh my, this is a spoiler too.
Count to Potato
yeah, spoiler! i still can't find crippling slash tho
Proteus Summer
I'm having a similar problem. I finished the game and am doing the missions that i didnt do to get protector. In the heart or mind choice i chose to help melonni. Now im trying to do the alternate mission for koss and when i zone into the garden the arrow points right back from where i came if i zone back it points back the other way etc etc.. this is really getting annoying. Did i miss something else or is this a bug?
Lucifer PVP
i am having the same as the person above.
i beat the game decided to do the quest on koss side did not went into nightfallen garden....arrow points back to the portal
You can get someone who hasn't done the Heart or Mind quests yet to be group leader and enter the zone. I did this to get a skill cap in there.
It says you must beat the game, what exactly must be done to "Beat The Game"?
It's been a while since i visited that location, but i think that's how it worked: if you enter portal, you are in Nightfallen Garden, if you talk to guard (while Tahlkora is in your party), you enter "normal" garden. Of course you have to finish Horde mission or Nightfall campaign.