
Elwe Fingolfin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Noldor


Does the story follow through each of these 3 chapters and the questions answered by the end of nightfall? Without spoilers if you can for anyone who has completed nightfall. Are they meant to be seen as 3 chapters of a short story as a whole if you get me

thanks in advance


Join Date: Dec 2005




They're pretty stand alone. But all of the stories fit in each other. ( Prophecies and NF fit more than NF and Factions or Factions and Prophecies though )

You can play Nightfall first, it wouldn't cause any problem.

Darkpower Alchemist

Darkpower Alchemist

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Circle Of Nine[NINE]


Yanman pretty much hit it on the head. Each is pretty stand alone.

Look at it like a set of Conan comics. You are the hero, but each story stands out by itself.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

I agree the storyline of elona and prophecies fit better than factions with the rest. Factions is a standalone in itself the most. Although a lot of ppl dislike factions I think that it was great addition introducing lots of PVP activity and cooperative missions along with some great architecture and skins..and some very decent abilities. Elona theme is mostly about titles so its kind of reverted back to the PVE age IMO. Tons of work has been done for weapon customization. The only thing I dislike about the entire game is the fact that ppl who spent years from the beginning hooking up there core characters and dedicated to Guildwars community have to stay stuck with the old boring skin that they made in the old prophecies day or forfiet their time for a new look..while the newer skins are much more appealing ..I really wish ANet would allow some customization of character skins from the first chapters..Well At least I think it would be cool. Even if they just added a NPC to change features but retain the prophecies look just more variety would be nice...sort of like the cape etc.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Factions was good in its own ways. It enabled people to level up extremely quickly and try new builds out, etc.

Each is standalone, but none conflict with each other.