Well my brother offered me this key and I've been playing Nightfall for about 6 hours now. I spent alot of my storage money on this character and I just want to know if when this time ends, ( and I buy Nightfall ) I'll still be able to play with it and have access to all my stuff (materials,items, etc).
Does any one knows something about this?
Nightfall Buddy-key 10hr/14day
yes you will keep everything you have unlocked bought and even the lvl of you're character and hero
if you play with the trial and the trial ends, there is a sort of freeze/pause of your GW. So if you add the full key you play where you ended the trial.
And if you're lucky, you might get more than 10 hours from the key... My total with the key was a bit over 34 hrs played in Elona until I managed to get my retail key added... I don't know what happened that allowed me to play that long but there were no complications after the trial ended after having added the retail key, I was able to continue playing normally.
Ivan Darklord
My progress was saved and continued on normally from after the Island.The Buddy code gave me enough time to finish the whole Isalnd, then I bought NF and continued after the Island

I would guess so, since the game is account based. If you add a retail key to your buddy key, it should save all your stuff.