(NF Spoillers, for those weirdos who mouse-over topics!)
Yeah, the Shiro/Lich fight. It's a bit unbalanced, since the only way for most players (emphasis) to clear those two bosses is through niche skills, such as SS and Spoil Victor. Shiro's Impossible Odds really tears up groups.
Therefore, I'm proposing a rebalance of that fight, one which weakens Shiro, and more importantly, buffs the Lich
#1: Remove Impossible Odds from Shiro's skill-set. We don't have celestial skills like Celestial Stance to absorb the sheer blunt damage this attack can deal.
#2: Reinstate a weakened version of Meditation of the Reaper to Shiro's skill-set. According to the NPC at the Gates of Madness outpost, Shiro once had Meditation of the Reaper, but I guess ArenaNet removed it. I propose ArenaNet reinstate it, but with a shorter duration, probably 5 seconds or so. This not only would increase the difficulty of the fight, (since I proposed removing Impossible Odds), but it would also prevent capturing the Altars as easily.
#3: Buff the Lich's HP/Armor. I don't know why, but he dies way, way too fast.
#4: Reinstate Soul Vortex (in a slightly different form) to Lich's skill-set. Soul Vortex was an interesting skill during Hell's Precipace. It caused a lot of disarray. A Soul Vortex, which teleported all creatures within earshot from the Lich (including Shiro and the Lich), could cause some funny effects.
#5: Allow Shiro and the Lich to be vulnerable to Lightbringer's Gaze. It just makes sense.
Gates of Madness has 2 districts. That's a sign too many people are struggling.