It's driving me nuts as I got invites from Thursday on, and I have yet to find a reason to cut even one of them off my list...

So, if you're in a guild and you have been happy with it for some time, what motivated your choice of that guild?
Personality of the person who invited you? Of people you met from the guild before joining? Size of the guild? The guildhall

If my interest is 90% PvE, but I want to learn PvP and maybe someday do some casual mostly 'un-rated' GvG, what 'behind the scenes' factors should I take into account beyond just the 'promotion spiel'?
What are -your- stories for how you narrowed it down and chose the guild you are in?
By contrast, if you chose a guild thinking it was the best choice for you and it turned out to be a bad choice, tell me how you ended up in that mess, without naming any names / guilds, so I can learn from your past mistake.