How did you pick the Guild you joined?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

San Francisco native


I've been invited into a number of guilds and I cannot narrow down my choices... (and at this point, I probably don't need -more- choices or I'll simply go bananas).

It's driving me nuts as I got invites from Thursday on, and I have yet to find a reason to cut even one of them off my list...

So, if you're in a guild and you have been happy with it for some time, what motivated your choice of that guild?

Personality of the person who invited you? Of people you met from the guild before joining? Size of the guild? The guildhall ? Focus on PvE? Focus on PvP? Focus on GvG / rated? Did you scan the game to see how often members were online when you were on? Did you work to figure out if their game-progress was similar to yours? Character Profession popularity? Did you use some arbitrary factor? Did you just pick straws / cards / roll a die / flip a coin?

If my interest is 90% PvE, but I want to learn PvP and maybe someday do some casual mostly 'un-rated' GvG, what 'behind the scenes' factors should I take into account beyond just the 'promotion spiel'?

What are -your- stories for how you narrowed it down and chose the guild you are in?

By contrast, if you chose a guild thinking it was the best choice for you and it turned out to be a bad choice, tell me how you ended up in that mess, without naming any names / guilds, so I can learn from your past mistake.

I pwnd U

I pwnd U

God of Spammers

Join Date: Oct 2005

in the middle of a burning cornfield...

Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)

The guild i am currently in was choosen due to the fact that i knew the people in it. Most of them were on guru and i became friends with them through that. I have been with this guild for over 6 months now and have enjoyed it. I am still a member and happy with that. I wouldn't worry about the promotion spiel.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Shiverpeak Cartel [Shiv] - Leader


I joined The White Legends[WL] about 14 months ago couse they had some awesome people, i was drok-run by their leading officer for free and he was a cool guy, the next day he invited us in. Months later they disbanned, and join Happy Hellion Network[HHN] who i stayed with until factions, they split into 2 guild, the HHNetwork and the HHNation, and I formed the Almighty Hellion Nation[AHN], after many disgreement's I joined one of the officers of the HHN wife's guild Crimson Watch[CW] who have been around since bata testing. And I am currently very satisfied in my guild choice.

And thats my story.

To help you on your choice: I have never taken guild size into account, the guilds i have been in are small, and the once i have owne had 10-20 ppl tops, but we had all been playing together for 6months+.

Look through your friends list, and find the people you really enjoy playing with, and see which one of their guilds are the most interesting, or consider having them all join a new guild.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Charter Vanguard


lol, what about labelling each guild a number then /roll dice. I'm kidding of course.

My story starts in March 2005 when I participated in the GW beta run. I did think about joining a guild, but had no experience with a large guild. The only guilds I'd been in spanning the other MMOs I'd played were either with rl friends (which meant very small numbers), or there was one other guild I joined 'cos I'd gotten to know an in-game player really well and we started a guild together. I'd always wondered what it felt like to jump into a guild that was well established, large and stable. The only problem is that most of the guilds of that nature were either American or European, and my timezone doesn't exactly coincide with theirs. I was tremendously tempted at a point though, 'cos I saw a guild on game forum guildwarsogaming that seemed to be really well run and had a beautiful webpage (I love guilds with good looking webpages), but decided against it at the last minute, afraid of that timezone factor.

So I slipped back into routine by creating a guild of my own, with just about 5 people in it, people I knew quite well. But eventually they moved over to WoW, leaving me and one other guy. Lonely times. I almost fell away from the game then - till I advertised for a guild, and coincidentally, a member of that guild that I'd almost joined about 9months ago approached me to join him. I figured what the heck, just give it a go.

Turned out to be the best decision I've made so far. The hours don't always coincide, but the guild really is as organized, friendly, established and well run as I'd envisioned it to be. Plus the big numbers makes it easier to find someone online, even at the supposedly 'odd american hours'. Weekends are the busiest, and sometimes I find 20+ people online at the same time, doing stuff together. Everyone is a friend and helper of everyone else, and I think ultimately that's the most important thing to me in any MMO.

I can't speak for you, but it depends on what you're looking for in a guild. Everyone has a different goal in mind.

A Perfect Slayer

A Perfect Slayer

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Legions of Babylon


Well for me it was a question of my old guild disbanning and I was out. I was in ascalon after this and the guild leader of my current guild was recruiting, and since the name of the guild was The Canadian Shield and that i am canadian I decided to join that guild. For awhile we were probably about 60 members (very active pvp, gvg, pve)but since then everyone is gone and I am now leader of a guild with one member which is me soooo lonely. anyone wanna join ?

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


i joined my old ha guild because i played with them in ha and i liked them and when my pve guild broke up after arguments i asked the leader he if wanted me and he did was in it for many months maybe 5/6



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


I was in a big PvE guild, very active and helpful... Our leader just stopped playing, and people left the guild - including other officers. I think I was the last officer to leave or something O_o;.

So after being in such a big and active guild, I wanted to be in another like. this. I started spamming in Shing Jea and this guy PMs me, saying he was interested in having more people. Felt welcome right away, and I'm still there .