Travel troubles....


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Ok, I'm a hardcore noob, so I hope this isn't too ridiculous of a question.. but here we go.

I bought Nightfall on it's first day being available.... it was the first GW I had owned and was having some fun with it.

After playing for a little bit I figured I would also pick up Factions so I could play both.

I've been told that I'll be able to take my NF char. back to Factions, but I can't seem to figure out how.

I've searched this forum and found out that I'll need to go to Kamadan and speak with Funwa Shento in order to be able to travel to Cantha.... the problem is, when I go to speak with him he has no mission for me. He just says something about how he has traveled from Cantha... but that's about it.

Am I missing something? Do I need something special, or to be a certain level?

Is it a problem that I had Nightfall installed and running first?

Thanks for the help.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Depends, you only can travel when you have both games on 1 account... if you have created a new account for factions, then you cant travel (and there is no way to change that, other than buying another copy of factions).

Galeo Stormbringer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006



You can only begin to travel to cantha or tyria from elona after u have completed a part of the game, the quests will open up as soon as u have finished this much of the game. From what I can remember it is after the third or fourth mission on the island, right before you travel to the mainland. These quests will open up as soon as you have done this.

Hope this helped you a bit.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by Galeo Stormbringer
You can only begin to travel to cantha or tyria from elona after u have completed a part of the game, the quests will open up as soon as u have finished this much of the game. From what I can remember it is after the third or fourth mission on the island, right before you travel to the mainland. These quests will open up as soon as you have done this.

Hope this helped you a bit.
Yeah, I have both games set up on the one account....

I'll check to make sure I have the appropriate missions completed! ... Thanks!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

You have to have merged them, which you said you did. Then, you have to have gotten to Consulate Docks, which is the fourth mission. Then, the next time you go to Kamadan, the quests should be availible for you.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


Hrm... well I've tried a bunch of missions around there, but can't seem to get access.

I'll keep trying though...thanks for the help!

btw... I'm at level 12 now.. so I'm not quite sure how I would have gotten this far without doing the 4th mission.

I haven't heard of Consulate Docks though.... can you tell me exactly where it is that I'll find that mission?

Sorry to be such a pain, but this is really starting to frustrate me!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

White Redeemers


Just folow the main quests/missions and you wil get there, dont worry. And getting to Factions mainland with a lvl 12 character is not somthing I woud advise, specialy not to a new player.

Angel Netherborn

Angel Netherborn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Lower Ward, Sigil

Goda Vos

Don't worry about getting to Factions so soon. Just keep doing the primary quests and you'll get to Consulate Docks soon enough.

The point in which you start the Factions Campaign is the point where Factions characters are usually at least level 16, and mostly level 18 to 20.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


OH... ok, I thought it would start me near the begining as if I were a level 1 char...

*feels dumb*

Thanks all!


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


Don't feel dumb, most of factions is setup for lvl20s. The first town that you will reach in factions has lvl20+ monsters waiting for you outside.

Unlike prophecies or nightfall, factions lvl you up alot quicker. Most of the quests give you 1-3k xp, so after a handful of quests and 2 missions you're at Kaineng Center (the starting point for foreign characters) being lvl20.