I just restarted playing GW (only have prophecies atm) after a long absence, and ive been playing with my lvl 20 Me/Mo, who i left just prior to ascension. Since picking her back up, i have made dramatic changes to the skillset, mainly changing her from primarily usign Illusion to Domination. But her Weapon requires high illusion, so im not doing any damage with it anymore. As i recall, teh best way to get an item for a specific class is to kill monsters of that class... however my observations sofar have shown that there are very few Mesmer type monsters in the desert.
So heres my question... Are there any areas with a lot of high level mesmers i could kill, or some other way i could likely get a decent Domination wand?
New Mesmer weapon
Collectors are our friend.
Have a look on wiki what weapons you can get in the desert.
Have a look on wiki what weapons you can get in the desert.
There are also weapon crafters if you can not find the items needed for the traders.
Also, as a mesmer, you need not worry about damage from your weapon - you are a backline support character. If you want damage in the domination line look at empathy and backfire (especially since the mobs attack/cast through it) You will be lucky to wand 20 damage, backfire will be well over a hundred. You are going for +energy and fast skill cast/recharge. In fact, if you can talk someone you trust from either factions or nightfall you can get a *really* nice wand/focus combo for 10k + materials (for crafter weapons most would want the materials/cost up front as there is no player market for them).
Another thing to do is look at guildwiki's list of domination spells. There are quite a few damaging ones, though domination tends to be better at making enemies *not* do damage to you. There is nothing like a warrior who can not attack, a elementalist that can not nuke, and a healer that can not heal. Makes the fights go MUCH quicker (though some PUGs will think you are doing nothing, the henchies seem to understand).
Plus if you are not playing as an interrupter I would go with both domination and illusion lines and leave fast casting pretty much alone - some nice damage spells in both those lines. Most of them have decent cast times and do not really need the fast cast attribute.
Also, as a mesmer, you need not worry about damage from your weapon - you are a backline support character. If you want damage in the domination line look at empathy and backfire (especially since the mobs attack/cast through it) You will be lucky to wand 20 damage, backfire will be well over a hundred. You are going for +energy and fast skill cast/recharge. In fact, if you can talk someone you trust from either factions or nightfall you can get a *really* nice wand/focus combo for 10k + materials (for crafter weapons most would want the materials/cost up front as there is no player market for them).
Another thing to do is look at guildwiki's list of domination spells. There are quite a few damaging ones, though domination tends to be better at making enemies *not* do damage to you. There is nothing like a warrior who can not attack, a elementalist that can not nuke, and a healer that can not heal. Makes the fights go MUCH quicker (though some PUGs will think you are doing nothing, the henchies seem to understand).
Plus if you are not playing as an interrupter I would go with both domination and illusion lines and leave fast casting pretty much alone - some nice damage spells in both those lines. Most of them have decent cast times and do not really need the fast cast attribute.