Help - Heroes skills not progressing - even at lvl 14!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006



I have brought two lvl 20 characters over from Prophecies/Factions - a Monk/Ranger and a Ranger/Mesmer. The question I had was skill advancements for the heroes which doesn't seem to be moving AT ALL for the ranger but going great for my Monk!

For example My ranger character has done the command training mission discovered about 6 cities and completed two of the main (shield) missions and the southern path is now open. Her warrior henchman - Koss is now level 14 but only has the same 6 starter skills he started with.

The Koss who is teamed with my Monk on the other hand who has not completed ANY shield missions yet is only level 7 but has lots of warrior skill including elites!

I thought it might have something to do with Sunspear points but my ranger has 45 while my monk only has 15.

Soooo any suggestions how my Ranger's Koss can get his skills?? I made Monk his secondary and all kinds of elites turned up there. His armor levels and attributes are moving along nicely - just wish his Warrior skills would extend ...

anyone else having this problem - is it something obvious I'm missing? I looked everywhere in the early cities for a mission mission but can't find a thing

Samuel Dravis

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


The skills need to be unlocked before you can equip them... but I'd have no idea why they're available for your other chars but not on your ranger. I suppose you could try just buying them from the Henchie Skill trader.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Ascalon Union


Heroes can use any skills you've unlocked on your account. So this is a question for you: Are your monk and your ranger on the same account?



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?

Rt/ need to have them on the same account. I have this problem with my kosses----I never made a warrior so no warrior skills, had to get them thru them the hero skills.....but all the other professions I have all the skills for (cept assassin) check to see if the account that they are on has unlocked the skills for warrior.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006



Originally Posted by cosyfiep need to have them on the same account. I have this problem with my kosses----I never made a warrior so no warrior skills, had to get them thru them the hero skills.....but all the other professions I have all the skills for (cept assassin) check to see if the account that they are on has unlocked the skills for warrior.
Ahhhhhhhh - now that makes PERFECT sense! They are indeed on different accounts, my Monk is on the same one as my lvl 20 Warrior - no Warriors on the other! Cool! Thanks ... off to make a Warrior!

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Also as you advance in the sunspear title track (I think) you get special hero skill points. There's a special hero skill trainer you can use them at to unlock skills for your heroes without having to pay money.