As a Dervish what city do you have to be in, and what quest do you have to be on, to be able to buy your max armor?
Dervish armor
Knightsaber Sith
It's in the Consulate Docks mission (last place on Istan).
for the generic max armor anyway
for the generic max armor anyway
can you later buy armor with armor modifications on it, and at what city can you buy it at?
Knightsaber Sith
Nightfall armor doesn't work like that; skins and mods are completely seperate.
Mods are attatched to armor "insignias" that you can buy from the rune trader. They tend to have a rather limited selection as they're so new. Each piece of armor can have one insignia and one rune.
Mods are attatched to armor "insignias" that you can buy from the rune trader. They tend to have a rather limited selection as they're so new. Each piece of armor can have one insignia and one rune.
Dr Wiccan
I am wondering this too. What city/outpost do you get it at?
Also is it true that if you have armor from another campaign you can not add insignia’s? You have to have purchased the nightfall armor?
Yes, the armor from Tyria or Cantha works like it always has, the only thing that is new for them are the new rune options.
Also is it true that if you have armor from another campaign you can not add insignia’s? You have to have purchased the nightfall armor? |
For example, a base piece of Warrior armour with a Radiant Insignia applied will be just as strong as a "Gladiator's" piece with the same AL. The only difference is, as in Factions, you aren't tied to one appearance if you want a specific mod.
As for Insignias, they're still really rare. Everyone is hording the better Insignias for use in their own armour, and the Rune Trader's stock is still running out quite frequently. If you're lucky, you can find the Insignias you need from armour drops (The same pieces that can have a Rune attatched can, in Nightfall, have an Insignia.)
Dr Wiccan
Nevermind. I found it. It was just placed in a very obscure place and Guild Wiki isn't working.