Stygian Key
Does anyone know how or where to use this key ?
Terra Xin
That sounds like the key that doesnt have the chests that exist for it yet. For now... nothing.
One wild guess... Nightfall "Elite" Areas???
Best guess is this key is used in the new elite area/s.
Where is this new elite area i hear you ask? Well a lot of other people were curious about this too. Unfortunately it turns out elite areas weren't included in the release of Nightfall but will probably be brought out sometime "in the next few months".
Where is this new elite area i hear you ask? Well a lot of other people were curious about this too. Unfortunately it turns out elite areas weren't included in the release of Nightfall but will probably be brought out sometime "in the next few months".
In Chantry of Secrets is a big door with a guard in front of it... he tells that the area behind it isnt open for public yet.
That's because you haven't beaten the game yet. You can get behind the Chantry of Secrets once you do.
Oh ok, thank you for solving that one

Well thanks 4 the replies all, guess we just have 2 wait and see what's going 2 happen on the next update