The Drought Mission - Howto?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

** Possible Spoiler below **

Hey guys, I tried the mission where you have to kill the drought and specifically, I was going for the bonus which is to kill the drought without turning off the water pumps. Both times, I got to the end but died rather quickly. My party consisted of 3 heroes + 4 henchi + myself as a monk. I never really stood a chance as the drought seemed to kill my party in seconds. Anyone have any suggestions on good skills or which heroes to bring to solve this? I did kill all the demon things in the area so it was just my party against the drought demon and yet he still wasted me pretty good. Anyone else do this with all henchi/Heroes?

The heroes I brought where:
Olias - MM
Koss - Tank
Centaur - Elementalist

Henchi's I brought where:
Monk + Warrior + Earth + Hunter




Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Here's one existing thread on Rilohn Refuge:
