Some questions on Hero Development


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Hi Everyone -- I'm a new player, though I own both factions and prophecies; I just kind of dabble in Guild Wars when I get the itch. As such, I really haven't gotten terribly far in any of the campaigns, though I have some of the warrior and ranger/assassin skills unlocked.

My question is on the Nightfall heroes, and their skill development. I know that they have the abilities currently unlocked on my account, which in my case, isn't very many, and doesn't make them all that fun to play with. Questions:

1. Can heroes gain skills any other way than by me spending hero points? At this point, I've only got a handful of hero points, to spread out over quite a few heroes. Do hero skill points ever get more frequent, or do you only get one per level of sunspear advancement? If so, boo. Does that really mean that I'll only get about 5 to 10 total?

2. I really don't want to have to play classes I'm not interested in, in a campaign I'm not interested in, to have diverse heroes. I'd just like to solo pve in Nightfall. If I buy that stupidly overpriced "Unlock all PVP Skills" thing from the guildwars store, will all of my PvE heroes have access to all of their skills? I'd prefer to be able to develop them over the course of a campaign, but if I'm only going to get 8 or so hero skill points to spend on all of my heroes, that just doesn't seem plausible.


Cassandra Tanacel

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Wolf Brotherhood


I don't think PVP skills pass over to PVE characters. Most of my skills for the heroes are built from Tyria / Prophicies missions that awarded extra skills. I then changed my secondary proffesion in the desert and went back and picked up extra missions for additional skills

Seems its going to be one of those things you need to invest hours to build up the heroes

AW Lore

AW Lore

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2006

Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan


if you buy that "stupidly overpriced "Unlock all PVP Skills" thing" then yes, your heroes and only your heroes, from both pve and pvp, should have access to the skills.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Well, thanks for the reply. I just don't play guild wars enough to have any interest in pouring tens/hundreds of hours in unlocking the heroes; I just hoped they would develop in the campaign, along with my character. Otherwise, it's a remarkably stupid design -- my main character gets stronger as the Nightfall Campaign develops, but the heroes, the major selling point of the expansion, remain stuck (essentially) with their starter skills until the very end, when I can explore other classes? Bleh.

And we're sure that buying the PvP unlock won't help my heroes?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Thanks for the Response, AW Lore. I think I'd rather spend some extra money, to have fun customizing my heroes throughout the adventure, than spend hours and hours unlocking things. I just didn't really want to have to buy, effectively, the game twice; I had hoped there was an easier mechanism for developing heroes than having to split a handful of hero skill points across all of my heroes. I'm just playing the game like a singleplayer RPG -- I'll play the campaign once for the story, and then I'm pretty much done, so I think the current mechanisms for unlocking hero skills, unless I've missed something, are a really poor fit for my playstyle.

Thanks again.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


I can guarantee you that by purchasing the pvp unlock pack you will unlock skills for your heros. anything unlocked in pvp or pve is accessable to your heros. I have all three unlock packs and my heros have access to every skill and elite in the game.

Its a bit expensive i guess but its up to you if you think its worth it.

Personally I do

Cassandra Tanacel

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Wolf Brotherhood


I stand corrected. As far as i was aware PVP skills couldn't be used in PvE

Sorry for my incorrect post



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Cassandra Tanacel
I stand corrected. As far as i was aware PVP skills couldn't be used in PvE

Sorry for my incorrect post
Im not quite sure why it works, but it does. unlocking the skills unlocks them for pvp but any skills on your account that are classed as "unlocked" are available to your Heros. This "unlocking" also makes all non-elite skills accessable to your characters to purchase much earlier in the game. Basically with the unlock pack aquired all skill trainers have (i think) access to all skills {excluding elites of course}. Its a nice bonus. However Cassandra is right in that unlocking them in pvp doesnt mean your pve character automatically gets access to them. They have to purchase them still {or cap them in the case of elites} Your Heros however do have instant access.