Quick poison question
Ok, say I equip my bow which has a Poisons last 33% longer added to it, I fire Poison Arrow and it poisons the enemy. I then change to my Amber longbow with no longer Poison mod added, would the poison still last 33% longer or only as long as you keep the modded weapon equiped?
The target you hit with the +33% mod has the longer lasting poison even after you switch bows. The one you shoot with the long bow would not.
When you switch to your amber longbow, the poision duration will return to normal.
In fact, the bow that fires the arrow doesn't matter. What matters is what bow you are holding when the arrow hits. IE, if you fire an arrow with your amber bow and switch to your poision bow while the arrow is in midair before it hits your target, then the arrow will have a longer poision once it hits your target.
In fact, the bow that fires the arrow doesn't matter. What matters is what bow you are holding when the arrow hits. IE, if you fire an arrow with your amber bow and switch to your poision bow while the arrow is in midair before it hits your target, then the arrow will have a longer poision once it hits your target.
Ah brilliant thanks, so say I am faced with 3 beasts, I poison all 3 with the modded bow, then change, it will last that 33% for all the correct?
Tazaiel Storm
What I hate is using apply poison and then having Barrage take it off :/
Never use it in when Barrage is involved. I only use apply poison to solo fow forest, not sure if its still possible, I have yet to try it again lately.
Former Ruling
Just to confirm what hawk said: The Arrow's effects all depend on what the conditions are When the arrow hits - NOT - when the arrow is fired.
SO if you shot it with the 33% bow, and change too fast (before the arrow hits its target) it wont get the 33% longer. The most annoying application of this is Blinding. If you shot an arrow THEN get blinded - the arrow will most likely miss because you are blind.
SO if you shot it with the 33% bow, and change too fast (before the arrow hits its target) it wont get the 33% longer. The most annoying application of this is Blinding. If you shot an arrow THEN get blinded - the arrow will most likely miss because you are blind.
Fungus Amongus
Poison duration from items is added while you have your weapon equipped. Switching after poisoning your enemy has no effect on its duration.
On a side note poison duration can even be extended with Plague Sending/Plague Touch as long as you have a poisonous bow/sword/axe/etc equipped when you use the skill. A guildie and I tested this in a 1vs1 battle at our guild hall. We equipped poisoner's items then I cast Chilblains then Plague Sending to transfer the poison to him. He immediately passed it back to me by casting Plague Sending on me. After a few passes back and forth we stopped casting. The poison took a while to wear off.
On a side note poison duration can even be extended with Plague Sending/Plague Touch as long as you have a poisonous bow/sword/axe/etc equipped when you use the skill. A guildie and I tested this in a 1vs1 battle at our guild hall. We equipped poisoner's items then I cast Chilblains then Plague Sending to transfer the poison to him. He immediately passed it back to me by casting Plague Sending on me. After a few passes back and forth we stopped casting. The poison took a while to wear off.

Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Just to confirm what hawk said: The Arrow's effects all depend on what the conditions are When the arrow hits - NOT - when the arrow is fired.
SO if you shot it with the 33% bow, and change too fast (before the arrow hits its target) it wont get the 33% longer. The most annoying application of this is Blinding. If you shot an arrow THEN get blinded - the arrow will most likely miss because you are blind. |
Ah, that explains why I was gaining 1 energy when I was switching from my Vamp bow to my Zealous. You learn something new every day. I will give both answers a try, well once I get the bow im looking for, and get back to you.
Well that was interesting. As I was farming the FoW forest, I thought I would try the length of poison using a poisonous bow and a non-poisonous bow. I fired the first arrow with Poison Arrow using the Poisonous bow then quickly changed bow to the non-lengthened bow and shot the second beast with Poison Arrow. I kept the second beast targeted (the one poisoned without the lengthened bow) untill the poison wore off, as soon as it did, I targeted the first poisoned beast (the poisoned with the lengthened poison bow) and it was still poisoned.
I will try this a few more times, but it seems that it doesnt matter what bow you have equiped, its what you have equiped when you fire the shot.
I will try this a few more times, but it seems that it doesnt matter what bow you have equiped, its what you have equiped when you fire the shot.