For some reason the Priest of Balthazar does not have certain runes I have not unlocked. He doesn't have a rune of superior fire magic and earth magic. I've noticed this in the past with minor runes but i just used major instead.
I'm using a pvp character and when creating armor both of these runes are shown with the locked icon. Can someone tell me how to fix this?
Priest is holding out on runes
Caelus The Fallen
Have you unlocked Minors and Majors of these runes? You will need to unlock these first.
Aha...I did not know that.
Thanks, I guess it wasn't minors in the past, can't remember.
Thanks again.
Thanks, I guess it wasn't minors in the past, can't remember.
Thanks again.
Former Ruling
One annoying application of this is if you've unlocked the Major version through pve and havent unlocked the minor or sup version. Dont know if its the same now since i've unlocked all runes but it used to show Sup as needing unlocked on the screen, but when you unlock and think "ok, all of that rune unlocked" all of a sudden BAM gotta unlock the minor version. It was annoying at factions release lol.